Sebahagian Kuala Lumpur bergelap

SEBAHAGIAN besar Kuala Lumpur termasuk Menara Kembar Petronas bergelap malam tadi sebagai sebahagian daripada kempen Earth Hour 2009.

DEMI BUMI. Malaysia turut bergelap malam tadi bagi meraikan Earth Hour 2009 di mana ribuan penghuni rumah dan pemilik bangunan menyertai jutaan penghuni dunia yang lain memadamkan suis lampu mereka selama sejam.

Di Kuala Lumpur yang selama ini disimbahi cahaya lampu pelbagai warna turut bergelap.

‘Earth Hour’ yang mula diperkenalkan di Sydney, Australia dua tahun lalu merupakan agenda penting sebagai tanda sokongan terhadap usaha untuk mengurangkan kesan pemanasan iklim di peringkat global.

Sebanyak 84 buah negara, 2,848 bandar, 6,299 organisasi dan 21,014 perniagaan di seluruh dunia menyertai program tersebut dan satu bilion penduduk dari 1,000 bandar seluruh dunia disasarkan memberikan sokongan terhadap program tersebut.

Malaysia yang tidak ketinggalan dalam menunjukkan sokongannya dengan menyasarkan lebih 5 juta rakyat pelbagai kaum menyahut seruan kempen itu.

Antara kawasan yang bergelap ialah Menara Kembar Petronas, Sunway Pyramid, Mid Valley, Hotel Marriot, Hotel Hilton, Angkasapuri, Menara Kuala Lumpur, Menara Maybank, Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur, Dataran Merdeka serta beberapa bangunan lain di sekitar Kuala Lumpur.

Penduduk di kawasan perumahan dan perniagaan turut disarankan memadam lampu yang tidak digunakan, memadam perkakasan elektrik dan mengurangkan penggunaan air panas.

note:- *copy dari Kosmo online. aku tak sempat nak padamkan lampu. aku dan wife waktu ketika itu ada je Jusco Cheras Selatan. Banyak juga kedai tutup lampu waktu itu bagi support kempen ini.. Taniah utk semua!

World switches off to save planet in "Earth Hour"

A combination picture shows the landmark Piccadilly Circus in central London, top before, and bottom, with its billboard advertisement lights switched off during 'Earth Hour', Saturday March 28, 2009. From the Great Pyramids to the Acropolis and the Las Vegas strip, nearly 4,000 cities and towns in 88 countries joined in the (WWF) World Wildlife Fund-sponsored event, a time zone-by-time zone plan to dim nonessential lights between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m local time to raise awareness about climate change and the threat from rising greenhouse gas emissions. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Lights went out at tourism landmarks and homes across the globe on Saturday for Earth Hour 2009, a global event designed to highlight the threat from climate change.

From the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge to the Eiffel Tower in Paris and London's Houses of Parliament, lights were dimmed as part of a campaign to encourage people to cut energy use and curb greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels.

Organizers said the action showed millions of people wanted governments to work out a strong new U.N. deal to fight global warming by the end of 2009, even though the global economic crisis has raised worries about the costs.

"We have been dreaming of a new climate deal for a long time," Kim Carstensen, head of a global climate initiative at the conservation group WWF, said in a candle-lit bar in the German city of Bonn, which hosts U.N. climate talks between March 29 and April 8.

"Now we're no longer so alone with our dream. We're sharing it with all these people switching off their lights," he said as delegates and activists sipped bluish cocktails.

The U.N. Climate Panel says greenhouse gas emissions are warming the planet and will lead to more floods, droughts, heatwaves, rising sea levels and animal and plant extinctions.

World emissions have risen by about 70 percent since the 1970s. China has recently overtaken the United States as the top emitter, ahead of the European Union, Russia and India.


The U.N. Climate Panel says rich nations will have to cut their emissions to a level between 25 and 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2020 to avoid the worst effects of warming. Developing nations will also have to slow the rise of their emissions by 2020, it says.

Australia first held Earth Hour in 2007 and it went global in 2008, attracting 50 million people, organizers say. WWF, which started the event, is hoping one billion people from nearly 90 countries will take part.

"The primary reason we do it is because we want people to think, even if it is for an hour, what they can do to lower their carbon footprint, and ideally take that beyond the hour," Earth Hour executive director Andy Ridley told reporters at Sydney's Bondi Beach.

In Asia, lights at landmarks in China, Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines were dimmed as people celebrated with candle-lit picnics and concerts.

Buildings in Singapore's business district went dark along with major landmarks such as the Singapore Flyer, a giant observation wheel.

Other global landmarks that switched off their lights included the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, the Reserve Bank in Mumbai, the dome of St Peter's Basilica in Rome, Egypt's Great Pyramids and the Acropolis in Athens.

(Reporting by Reuters bureau; Writing by Jon Boyle)

33 weeks


Dah 33 minggu ke 35 minggu?

Perkiraan kami 33 minggu. Dalam internet pun sama. Tapi Dr. kata lain pulak.. Teradvance 2 minggu pulak dia. Mybe disebabkan saiz baby kami agak besar, itu yg buat mesin yang digunakan oleh dr. tu bgtahu baby kami dah 35 minggu.. hmm.. Apa2 pun, kami sudah besedia. Insya-Allah..

note:- Illis kini di JB, ada seminar di sana sejak isnin lalu. Esok baru dia pulang..

32 weeks


31 weeks


6 hingga 9 Mac 2009, Kami di SP, Penang, SP..

Salam semua. Kami akan balik ke SP bagi menghadiri di majlis perkahwinan "saudara" illis pada 8 Mac 2009. Kami akan bertolak selepas habis kerja. Kami janji akan bawa perlahan-lahan sepanjang perjalanan pergi balik kami.

Untuk makluman sama, pada 8 Mac 2009 adalah hari ulangtahun perkahwinan Haji Razak & Hajah Ramlah yang ke 35 tahun. Majlis makan dah diadvancekan pada minggu lepas selepas kami pulang dari kampung di Majid Tanah.

Tetiba aku teringat.. Krabi

[caption id="attachment_1336" align="aligncenter" width="373" caption="Bilalah aku dan illis nak ke sana lagi? hmmmm.."]Bilalah aku dan illis nak ke sana lagi? hmmmm..[/caption]

Tetiba je aku teringat Krabi. Baru tahun lepas aku dan illis ke sana utk 1st honeymoon kami. Lepas ni tatau lagi bila kami ke sana? Tiket Air Asia **RM1o je.. Siap ada ** tu.. Ckp je RM10 tapi total berganda2.. :)

30 weeks


Sleep aids during pregnancy

Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board
Last updated: November 2003

If you're reading this article, chances are you've been spending too many nights tossing and turning. Knowing this is normal during pregnancy — especially in your first and third trimesters — doesn't make it any easier to bear. Now you're desperate to get some shut-eye, and we can help. 

If you're already practicing good sleep hygiene but still not slumbering peacefully, here are a few remedies to help you get the sleep you crave.


Using pillows to support your belly and back in bed can mean the difference between a sleepless night and a peaceful slumber. 

Tucking a pillow between your bent knees supports your lower back and may make side-sleeping (your best option as pregnancy advances) more comfortable. A pillow tucked behind your back can also help you to maintain a side-lying position while you sleep. Maternity pillows abound, but regular pillows work fine, too.

Single or dual pregnancy wedge
Wedge-shaped pillows support your belly when you lie on your side. You can also use them to prop yourself up to a semi-recline when you're lying on your back. The dual pregnancy wedge is two pillows (attached with adjustable Velcro tabs) that provide simultaneous support in front and back.

Full-length body pillow
Body pillows are at least 5 feet long and are designed to support the back and cradle the belly.

Sleeping Bean
Support your belly and your back by wrapping yourself around this column-shaped pillow. It makes a good nursing pillow later, and you can use a smaller Sleeping Bean as a bolster or bumper to protect your baby in his crib. 


What you eat — and when you eat it — can affect the quality of your sleep.

Warm milk
Drinking a glass of warm milk before bedtime is a time-tested way to bring on sleep. Experts believe the amino acid L-tryptophan (found in milk and other foods such as turkey and eggs) makes eyelids heavy by raising the level of a chemical in the brain called serotonin. Others suggest the somnambulant effects of warm milk may be all in your head. 

But if it helps you snooze, does it really matter? Warning: Don't go all the way and take tryptophan supplements — they're not safe during pregnancy.

Protein-packed snacks
If bad dreams, headaches, or full-body sweats are disturbing your sleep, you could be suffering from low blood sugar. To fix the problem, try a high-protein snack before bed such as an egg, some peanut butter, or a slice of turkey on bread to keep your blood sugar up during the night.

Relaxation techniques

If you're tense, anxious, or overtired, sleep can seem as hard to grab as your own shadow. Try these simple, time-tested techniques to help calm your mind, relax your muscles, and put sleep within your grasp.

Yoga and stretching
In addition to helping you relax, yoga and stretching have the added benefit of keeping you toned and flexible during pregnancy. 

Many gyms, health clubs, and YMCAs offer yoga and stretch classes, and some are designed specifically for pregnant women. Or you can create your own stretch routine with simple moves for your neck and shoulders, calves and hamstrings, and back and waist. Although you don't want to work up a sweat too close to bedtime (see Exercise, below), gently stretching your muscles during the day and before bedtime can make falling asleep easier.

Getting a massage relaxes tense or tired muscles. If you visit a professional massage therapist, make sure he or she has experience working with pregnant women and uses a table and pillow designed for that purpose. Professional massage can be expensive, but getting a foot, hand, or neck massage at home from your generous partner is a perfect way to wind down before bed.

Deep breathing
Breathing deeply and rhythmically can ease muscle tension, lower your heart rate, and help you fall asleep faster. 

Lie down on the carpet or your bed with your feet shoulder-width apart. If you're in the second half of your pregnancy, rest on your side with a pillow between your legs for support or wedge a pillow partly under the right side of your back so you're tilted slightly to the left.

With your mouth closed, breathe slowly through your nose, feeling your stomach rise as you gradually fill your diaphragm and lungs with air. Hold for one second before exhaling through your nose to the count of four.

Progressive muscle relaxation
It may take you several weeks to master progressive relaxation, but once you do, it can really help you sleep. Lying on your bed or even on the floor, you can release tight muscles by first tensing and then completely relaxing them. 

Focus on one group of muscles at a time and alternate between your right and left side. Start by tensing and releasing your hand and forearm muscles, followed by your biceps and triceps, face and jaw, chest and shoulders, stomach, thighs, and so on until you reach your feet.

Guided imagery
Picture yourself in a quiet, relaxing scene — lying on a warm sandy beach or walking in a field of wildflowers. Now imagine every detail of the scene, including the sounds, smells, tastes, and textures around you. 

If you can't picture a relaxing setting, use an image from a photograph or magazine and fill in the missing details. It may take some practice, but guided imagery can calm your restless or anxious mind and help you slip into a deep sleep.

Regular exercise during pregnancy makes you healthier both physically and mentally, and it can help you sleep better, too — provided you don't exercise vigorously within four hours of bedtime. Working out too close to bedtime can rev you up and even rob you of deep sleep by interfering with your natural sleep cycle. Instead, work up a sweat in the morning, afternoon, or early evening.

Prescription and over-the-counter medications

Ideally you should avoid all medications (including herbal remedies) during pregnancy, because most drugs haven't been tested on pregnant women and it can be hard to know what effect they'll  have on your baby. 

If you have a severe sleep problem or disorder, your doctor or midwife may recommend a prescription or over-the-counter drug to use during your second or third trimester. But it's best never take any medication during pregnancy without first consulting your healthcare provider.

Over the counter medications
Ask your doctor or midwife if you can take an antihistamine. Diphenhydramine hydrochloride and doxyalamine (brand names include Benadryl, Sominex, and Unisom) are generally considered safe during pregnancy, although drowsiness is a side effect — not the primary effect — of the drug. Since other possible side effects include impaired alertness and dizziness, don't drive or operate machinery after taking this medication.

Prescription medications
If you're suffering from severe insomnia or anxiety, your healthcare provider may recommend that you take a prescription sleeping medication. Never drive or operate machinery after taking a drug to help you sleep.

Pregnancy often brings on a multitude of sleep disturbances, including nausea, heartburn, leg cramps, and snoring. These sometimes unavoidable problems may be aggravated by bad sleeping habits that you established before you were pregnant. Follow these guidelines to get a better night's sleep — in pregnancy and beyond.

Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board
Last updated: November 2003

Pregnancy often brings on a multitude of sleep disturbances, including nausea, heartburn, leg cramps, and snoring. These sometimes unavoidable problems may be aggravated by bad sleeping habits that you established before you were pregnant. Follow these guidelines to get a better night's sleep — in pregnancy and beyond.

Watch what and when you eat and drink

Say no to smoking and alcohol Not only can nicotine and alcohol harm your baby, but both can make it difficult to get a good night's sleep.

Cut down on caffeine Cut down on caffeinated substances such as coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate (too much of which aren't safe, anyway), and avoid them entirely in the afternoon and evening.

Drink less in the late afternoon and evening While it's important to drink plenty of fluids when you're pregnant, drinking more in the morning and less in the late afternoon and evening will help you cut down on bathroom breaks during the night.

Avoid heavy meals and spicy foods before bedtime Spicy foods such as chili or acidic foods such as tomatoes in any form can cause heartburn and indigestion. So can eating a big meal too close to bedtime. Instead, eat lighter meals earlier — give yourself two to three hours to digest your food.

Snack before bedtime to ward off nausea If you're troubled by nausea (common during the first trimester), keep your stomach full by eating frequent bland snacks such as crackers, especially before bedtime.

Learn how to relax

Take naps A 30- to 60-minute snooze during the day will improve alertness, sharpen memory, and generally reduce the symptoms of fatigue. A study by the National Sleep Foundation found that more than half of pregnant women take at least one nap during the work week, while 60 percent take at least one weekend nap. Keep in mind, though, that napping too late in the day (or for too long) could disrupt a good night's sleep.

Don't work out late in the day Although exercise is great for your mental and physical health during pregnancy, make sure you work out early enough in the day to give your body time to unwind after a workout. You want to be done exercising at least three to four hours before you turn in for the night.

Practice relaxation techniques Learn about sleep-inducing techniques such as guided imagery, deep breathing, or progressive muscle relaxation.

Leave your worries at the bedroom door If you keep a "worry list" — of questions, concerns, or things to do — finish making your list at least an hour before bedtime, and don't start tackling it until morning. Keeping a notepad next to your bed can help relieve middle-of-the-night anxieties when you can't stop thinking about all the things you need to do the next day. But if writing down your thoughts makes them seem even more pressing, stick to an evening worry list.

Practice good sleep "hygiene"

Stick to a sleep schedule Try to regulate your sleep / wake schedule by going to bed and getting up at the same time every day.

Establish a regular, relaxing bedtime routine Develop a soothing bedtime routine for the 20 to 30 minutes before you go to bed, such as reading or taking a bath.

Make your bedroom a sleep sanctuary Since you may feel warmer than usual when you're pregnant, keep your room on the cool side. Block out light and noise, too — they can wake you from a light sleep.

Use your bed only for sleep and sex If you're in the habit of paying bills or watching TV in bed, stop. Reserve your bed for enjoyable activities, like sleep, sex, and maybe a little light reading.

Sleep on your left side If you aren't doing it already, train yourself to sleep on your left side. This position helps blood and nutrients flow to your baby and uterus and helps your kidneys eliminate waste and fluids. Plus, getting used to this position now will help you sleep better when your belly is bulging.

If you just can't sleep...

Get out of bed If you're still awake after 20 or 30 minutes, get up and go into another room. Listen to soothing music or read a magazine. When you feel drowsy, go back to bed.

Don't worry If you wake up at night, don't fret! Interrupted sleep during pregnancy is perfectly natural. Although sleeping through the night may seem impossible right now, eventually you'll establish a sleep routine that works for you.

"Charlie bit my finger"..

ada orang kata..

ada orang kata malaysia dulunya gah.. Sama mcm filipina..
Kini filipina tidak gah, adakah malaysia akan ikut sama?

Filipina jadi mundur sebab politik, malaysia kini sibuk pasal politik..
Kat filipina, org kaya terus kaya yg miskin pula terus miskin.

malaysia pulak sedang ikut ke arah tu..
Politik musnahkan filipina, malaysia?

Org sibuk pasal politik, tanahair habis tergadai..

Note: rumah dah bg, kereta tak bg? Hehe.. Duit rakyat tu.. :)

**copy dari note facebook sendiri..

The Band That Fights Together Stays Together (or Breaks Up Bitterly)

About half of all marriages end in divorce. And if you're in a band? Those divorce rates are closer to 95 percent. That's not a scientific fact. It's just me looking through my vinyl collection (yes, I have a vinyl collection) and lamenting all the groups I love who are now no more. The Beatles, the Smiths, the Bay City Rollers, Wham! All the greats ended up going their separate ways.

And even before the breakup, some groups can be like abusive marriages, full of yelling, throwing stuff across rooms, making threats, beheadings (OK, maybe not beheadings). And you can't even call the police, because no cop cares about a disgruntled lead singer throwing a bowl of brown M&Ms at his drummer.

However, once a band is bust, all bets are off. Colin Hay, the lead singer of '80s Aussie group Men At Work recently called the cops on his former guitarist, who reportedly threatened to kill him. Now the guitarist is due in court to explain. Maybe he can also explain that "Down Under" video. That one was strange.

But just as the most volatile marriages are often the most passionate, the same holds true for abusive band relationships. It's the dudes who hate each other the most who make the best music. Call it a musical law. Again, it's not a scientific fact, just an observation proven by my record collection.

Here are some of the most dysfunctional, volatile band relationships in rock history. I wouldn't want to be in between any of these dudes when they were at one another's throats, but I'm glad they stuck it out long enough to leave me some of my favorite music. I play it after every fight with my wife.

Most musical group tension originates from siblings. Brothers shouldn't marry each other, and they shouldn't be in bands together. It makes the whole family suffer. Jim and William Reid are the poster children for brotherly bandmate abuse. Throughout the '80s, they made a career of popping pills, playing notoriously short shows, and beating the hell out of each other and the occasional audience member. After William walked offstage 15 minutes into a 1998 gig (Jim was reportedly so drunk he couldn't sing), it was over for good. Or at least until 2007, when they reunited for the Coachella Festival.  

Who can blame Stewart Copeland for getting pissed off? He formed his band in 1977 and almost immediately all eyes (and songwriting royalties) went to Sting.  Plus, you've got to wonder: how easy can it be to play in a group with Sting? Predictably, the rest of the band's career was heavily angst-ridden. Full of backstage brawls, passive-aggressive videos (smiling and slapping each other in "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic"), tense interviews, and an album cover ("Ghost in the Machine") featuring the band represented as digital LED displays because they couldn't agree on a photo. It took them 23 years to bury the hatchet and milk the reunion-tour machine. 

Here's the problem: the only reason David Lee Roth got the gig as Van Halen's frontman was because he had a PA system (it was cheaper than renting it from him). That's like marrying someone for their money. The relationship was destined to fail. For eleven years, Van Halen was a tightrope act between Roth's vaudeville-meets-jujitsu shtick and Eddie's booze-and-drug-fueled guitar godliness. Once they released their '84 hit "Jump," the creative differences were beyond repair (Roth wasn't digging Eddie's new cheesy keyboard sound). Onstage that year the two were known to argue behind the stack of amps. Like the Police, time healed old wounds, and the guys played nice for a 2007-08 reunion tour... without original bass player, Michael Anthony, who was sacked for Eddie's 17-year-old son, Wolfgang. 

Another pair of siblings who just can't get along, Liam and Noel Gallagher shared a room as kids. Liam found enjoyment in taunting his older brother. Things didn't change when Oasis hit the big time. At the peak of their late '90s conquest, Liam decided to back out of an "MTV Unplugged" appearance at the last minute, citing a sore throat. Guitarist Noel took over lead singing duties. Still, Liam's throat felt good enough for him to heckle his brother from the balcony during the performance. No word if they share a room on the road. Probably not.  

For a band that has produced such easygoing music, the Eagles had a whole lotta tension. With constantly clashing egos, the band went through several personnel changes (co-founding bassist Randy Meisner announced his departure by dumping a beer over Glenn Frey's head). They broke up in 1980 after an infamous Long Beach concert (dubbed "The Long Night in Wrong Beach"), in which Frey and Don Felder spent the night describing to the audience how they were going to beat each other after the show. Their last album was completed with the members in different states. Don Henley said the Eagles would reunite "when Hell freezes over." It did in 1994, and they've been on-again, off-again ever since. 

Famously documented in the film "DiG!," the San Francisco-based band is a case study in musical dysfunction. More than 50 musicians have come and gone since its inception. Why is it so difficult being in a band with Anton Newcombe, the group's founder and volatile visionary? Here's one reason: he got in a fistfight with his bandmates in 1996 during a record label showcase gig. Needless to say, they didn't get signed.  

You know it's bad when a group full of raging alcoholics kicks you out of the band for being too much of a drunk. Lead guitarist Dave Mustaine battled his bandmates for two years. He poured beer on their instruments, and he got into fights over his dog's behavior — Mustaine's dog scratched bass player Ron McGovney's car; Mustaine's dog got kicked; McGovney got punched. After arriving in New York to record their debut album, "Kill 'Em All," the band made one stop before heading for the studio: a Greyhound bus station, where they sent Mustaine and his gear back to California. Mustaine and his former bandmates got to patch things up in a group therapy session captured on film for the 2004 doc "Some Kind of Monster."

Your pregnancy: 29 weeks

Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain.
To meet his increasing nutritional demands, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because his bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be sure to drink your milk (or find another good source of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby's hardening skeleton each day.

Note: Every baby develops a little differently — even in the womb. Our information is designed to give you a general idea of your baby's development.

How your life's changing:
Your baby's very active now. Your practitioner may ask you to spend some time each day counting kicks and will give you specific instructions on how to do this. Let her know if you ever notice a decrease in activity. You may need a nonstress test or biophysical profile to check on your baby's condition.

Some old friends — heartburn and constipation — may take center stage now. The pregnancy hormone progesterone relaxes smooth muscle tissue throughout your body, including your gastrointestinal tract. This relaxation, coupled with the crowding in your abdomen, slows digestion, which in turn can cause gas and heartburn — especially after a big meal — and contribute to constipation as well.

Your growing uterus may also be contributing to hemorrhoids. These swollen blood vessels in your rectal area are common during pregnancy and usually clear up in the weeks after giving birth. If they're itchy or painful, try soaking in a sitz bath or applying cold compresses medicated with witch hazel to the affected area. Also avoid sitting or standing for long stretches. Talk with your practitioner before using any over-the counter remedies during pregnancy, and let her know if you have any rectal bleeding. To prevent constipation, eat a high-fiber diet, drink plenty of water, and get some regular exercise.

Some women get something called "supine hypotensive syndrome" during pregnancy, where laying flat on your back causes a change in heart rate and blood pressure that makes you feel dizzy until you change position. You might note that you feel lightheaded if you stand up too quickly, too. To avoid "the spins" lie on your side rather than your back, and move slowly as you go from lying down to sitting and then standing.

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