All about ultrasounds
What is an ultrasound?
An ultrasound (also called a sonogram) is a noninvasive diagnostic test that uses sound waves to create a visual image of your baby, placenta, and uterus, as well as other pelvic organs. It allows your healthcare practitioner to gather valuable information about the progress of your pregnancy and your baby's health.During the test, an ultrasound technician (sonographer) transmits high-frequency sound waves through your uterus that bounce off your baby. A computer then translates the echoing sounds into video images that reveal your baby's shape, position, and movements.The series of television-monitor images is called a sonogram. The words ultrasound and sonogram are often used interchangeably. (Ultrasound waves are also used in the handheld instrument called a Doppler that your practitioner uses during your prenatal visits to listen to your baby's heartbeat.)Most moms-to-be have a standard ultrasound when they're between 16 and 20 weeks pregnant. But you may have one as early as 4 or 5 weeks or any time after that if there are signs of a problem. Most people look forward to the midpregnancy ultrasound because it gives them a first glimpse of their baby.The technician will probably present you with a grainy printout of the sonogram as a keepsake. And you may be able to find out your child's sex, if you want to. But the main purpose of the ultrasound is to provide you and your practitioner with important information about your baby's health and development.If you're having a low-risk pregnancy, however, you might not be offered an ultrasound at all. In fact, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends ultrasounds only when there's a specific medical reason. According to the March of Dimes, about 70 percent of pregnant women in the United States have an ultrasound.
What information will my ultrasound provide?
During a typical midpregnancy sonogram, with the help of a sonographer, your practitioner will:Check your baby's heartbeatTo make sure it's normal, she'll measure the number of beats per minute.Confirm your baby's locationThis is to make sure your baby's growing inside your uterus and your pregnancy isn't ectopic, meaning the embryo is lodged in a fallopian tube or elsewhere other than the uterus. But in most cases, you would have had symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy early on and a scan done at that point to confirm the problem.Measure your baby's sizeThe sonographer will measure your baby across the skull, along the thighbone, and around the abdomen in an attempt to make sure he's about the size he should be for his age. If this is your first ultrasound and your baby is more than two weeks behind or ahead of where he should be, sizewise, it's likely that your due date is off and you'll be given a new one. If your practitioner has any concerns about how your baby is growing, she'll order one or more follow-up ultrasounds to check his progress.Check to see if there's more than one babyBy now you'll probably already know if you're carrying twins or higher multiples. Most women pregnant with multiples measure large in their first trimester and have an ultrasound at that point to confirm the number of babies.Check the location of the placentaIf the placenta is covering the cervix (placenta previa), it can cause painless but severe bleeding later in the pregnancy. If your practitioner detects this condition, she'll most likely order a follow-up scan early in your third trimester to see if the placenta is still covering the cervix. In the meantime, don't panic! Only a small percentage of placenta previas detected on an ultrasound before 20 weeks are still there at delivery.Assess the amount of amniotic fluid in the uterusIf the sonogram shows that you have too much or too little amniotic fluid, there may be a problem. You'll have a complete work-up to see if the cause can be identified, and your practitioner may want to monitor you with regular ultrasounds.Check the baby for physical abnormalitiesYour practitioner will look closely at your baby's basic anatomy, including his head, neck, chest, heart, spine, stomach, kidneys, bladder, arms, legs, and umbilical cord to make sure they're developing properly. If you've had any suspicious results from a multiple marker or first trimester screening, or if there's any other cause for concern, the technician will do a more thorough (level II) scan to check for signs of a birth defect or Down syndrome.Try to determine your baby's sexIf you'd like to find out whether your baby's a boy or a girl, you usually can at the midpregnancy ultrasound (16 to 20 weeks), unless, for example, your child's hand is covering his genitals during the scan. In some cases, it's important for your practitioner to know your baby's sex — for example, if the baby is thought to be at risk for certain congenital conditions.Let your technician know if you don't want to know your baby's sex so that she doesn't give the surprise away during the test.An ultrasound may also be done at other times during your pregnancy to check on your baby's condition; as part of other tests, such as the nuchal translucency test, chorionic villus sampling, or amniocentesis; or as a follow-up to the multiple marker test.
Why would I need an ultrasound during my first trimester?
Some practitioners routinely recommend an ultrasound at about 7 to 9 weeks, but others will only do one if they have reason to suspect any of the following:MiscarriageIf you have vaginal bleeding early in your pregnancy, your practitioner may be concerned about miscarriage and want to schedule an ultrasound to check on your baby. The baby's heartbeat should be clearly visible by 6½ weeks of pregnancy (assuming a 28-day menstrual cycle). If you can see the baby's heart beating on the sonogram after 7 weeks, your chances of continuing with the pregnancy are greater than 97 percent.If you don't see the heart beating at this point, don't despair. It may be that your cycle is longer than average and your baby is younger than your practitioner figured. She may want to try again in a week.Ectopic or molar pregnancyVaginal bleeding (as well as other symptoms) can also indicate an ectopic or molar pregnancy. In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, which occurs when the embryo isn't in the uterus, your practitioner will try to determine where the embryo is. In a molar pregnancy, in which there's abnormal placenta and usually no viable baby, the ultrasound may show what appears to be a cluster of grapes where the baby should be.Uncertain gestational ageIf you're unsure of the date you started your last menstrual period or the length of your cycle, your practitioner may suggest an ultrasound at 7 weeks to see how far along you really are.Since all fetuses are about the same size in their early weeks, your practitioner can usually determine your baby's gestational age (and thus your approximate due date) by taking certain measurements. When you're between 7 and 13 weeks, measuring from the crown of your baby's head to his rump will allow her to determine the baby's age within three or four days.Multiple gestationIf you're measuring large (or if you've had fertility treatments), you may be pregnant with twins or higher multiples. Your practitioner will order an ultrasound to see how many babies you're carrying.
Why would I need an ultrasound later in my pregnancy?
These are the most common reasons your practitioner would order a third-trimester ultrasound:To determine the cause of vaginal bleedingBleeding during the second half of your pregnancy may be caused by problems with the placenta. An ultrasound can help your practitioner figure out what's going on.To check on your baby's growthLater in pregnancy, if there's any concern that your baby is not growing properly, your practitioner may schedule an ultrasound (or a series of them) to measure certain parts of his body. In particular, she'll be measuring the size of your baby's head, the length of his thigh bone, and the distance around his midsection.To check on your amniotic fluid levelIf you've been diagnosed with too much or too little amniotic fluid, your practitioner will probably order regular ultrasounds throughout your third trimester to monitor your baby's condition.To check on your baby's well-being late in the pregnancyIf you have high blood pressure or diabetes, or you're overdue, your practitioner may order a biophysical profile to check on your baby's movements and breathing and to measure the amount of amniotic fluid.To determine whether you should plan for a cesarean sectionThis may be the case if your baby is especially large (particularly if you have diabetes) or in an abnormal (breech) position, or if the placenta is blocking your baby's way out of the uterus.
What's the procedure like?
Ultrasound scans are usually done through the abdomen, but they may also be done through the vagina. For a trans-abdominal scan, you lie on your back on an examination table with your abdomen exposed and an assistant rubs cool gel over your tummy to improve the sound conduction. Then the sonographer slides the transducer (which looks a little bit like a telephone receiver) back and forth over your stomach to transmit sound waves. As a computer translates the resulting echoes into pictures on a television monitor, your baby appears on the screen before your eyes.During the scan, the sonographer records your baby's measurements and takes still pictures or video for your caregiver to interpret. While you may be eager to know what she's seeing, you may need to wait until your practitioner has seen the results and can discuss them with you. If you'd prefer not to know your baby's sex, be sure to tell the sonographer before she blurts it out.A basic ultrasound takes about 15 to 20 minutes. A more detailed (level II) scan, which may use more sophisticated equipment, can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes or more.First-trimester ultrasounds are more likely to be done through the vagina these days, with a specially designed probe. This method may be somewhat uncomfortable, but in the early stages of pregnancy, it generally provides better images than a trans-abdominal one and can be very useful in diagnosing ectopic pregnancies and fetal abnormalities.If you're having a trans-abdominal ultrasound during your first trimester, you may be asked to drink several glasses of water ahead of time so that you have a full bladder during the procedure. This can be quite uncomfortable.
What about 3-D ultrasound?
You may have heard about the new 3-D ultrasounds that use special equipment to show a view of your baby that's almost as detailed as a photograph. Some experts say that the technique allows more accurate evaluation of problems such as spina bifida and cleft palate. But the new technology requires a more skilled sonographer and isn't available yet in many places.Some centers offer 3-D ultrasounds solely to create keepsake photos or videos for parents. Remember that the personnel at these places may not be qualified to counsel you if your ultrasound reveals a problem. And since the scan is for "entertainment only," the results may be falsely reassuring.
Does it really matter where I have my ultrasound done?
Sonograms done at state-of-the-art academic centers can detect abnormalities up to 80 percent of the time, while at sites such as doctor's offices — which tend to have lower-tech equipment and less-experienced personnel — the detection rate can dip as low as 13 percent. So consider requesting a "registered medical diagnostic sonographer" to administer your ultrasound and a radiologist or obstetrician who specializes in ultrasound to interpret the results, especially if other tests have raised suspicions about possible problems.
Are there any risks or side effects from this procedure?
Numerous large studies done over the last 35 years have found no evidence that ultrasounds harm developing babies, or that there's a cumulative effect from having multiple scans. And reports from some small studies suggesting the procedure increases the chance of low birth weight, speech and hearing problems, and left-handedness haven't been borne out by more rigorous research.
What if the ultrasound shows a problem?
Don't panic. Often, a follow-up test shows that a suspicious ultrasound is no cause for concern. But in the unlikely event that your baby has a health problem, the information from the ultrasound can help your practitioner determine how to give your baby the best outcome possible.For example, serious heart rhythm problems can be treated with medication while the baby is still in the womb. Other abnormalities, such as a urinary tract blockage, can be treated by surgery even before birth. And knowing about other birth defects can help your practitioner decide how to deliver the baby safely and prepare to care for him right after birth.In any case, it allows you to consider all the options, whether that means making the difficult decision to terminate a pregnancy, intervening medically, or preparing for the birth of a baby who needs special care. A genetic counselor can help answer a lot of your questions.
Dah 7 minggu 2 hari

Sekali lagi Dr. Rahaya buat mata aku berlinang. Mana taknya, dia scankan perut illis, nampak anak kami. Pastu ley nampak jantungnya berdenyut, berbling2! Lagilah sentap hati ini. Dr. Rahaya ckp anakku itu berusia 7 minggu 1 hari dalam kandungan (semalam).
Nak tahu bila due date Illis bersalin? 13 Mei 2009. Hari bersejarah tu. Illis ada darah Melayu, Cina n India. Ada kena mengena ke? Mcm takde je.. Hehehe..
//syukur.. hatiku semakin tenang. kerja semakin lancar..
Lemon Restaurant..
Sedap juga makanan depa. Tapi agak mahal juga la. Takper, nak merasa je. Meraikan dapat bonus.. hehehe..
//ramai kutuk kerajaan, tapi bila dapat bonus bukan main suka. tak dpt bonus, kutuk kerajaan balik.. Bersyukurlah wahai teman2ku! :)
Apabila dia mengidam..
Aku pun mengidam sama. Tapi benda lain. Kelmarin, akhirnya aku dpt makan Nasi Lemak CT Garden, Kampung Baru. 4 bungkus aku makan. Hahaha. Puas! Kalau nak tahu, 3 minggu aku menanti peluang nak makan nasi lemak ni.
//Apa tanda-tanda mengidam ni ek? PSP aku idamkan sebelum Illis pregnant. hehehe
Bila anak kecil..
[10:04] Along: pagi tadi kimie bangun tidur...
[10:05] Along: dia cakap dia ada mimpi ada adik lain...
[10:05] Along: hahaha....
[10:05] Along: siap ada nama lagi....
[10:05] Along: siti nur faiz.....
[10:05] Along: along tanya...kenapa tak siti nurhaliza.....
[10:06] Along: dia cakap tak suka...hahaha....
[10:06] yusrizalrazak: hahaha
[10:06] Along: kalau nurul izzah ok la....
[10:06] yusrizalrazak: tak lama lagi la tu..
[10:06] yusrizalrazak: tunggu je la..
[10:06] yusrizalrazak: sekali dengan angah tahun depan kot.. huhuhu
[10:06] Along: along cakap kan ada anak patung DD....
[10:06] Along: kimie cakap....dia tak nak yg patung nak yg betul....
[10:07] Along: kak salmi cakap.....pinjam la kat angah n mak angah....
[10:07] yusrizalrazak: hehehe..
[10:07] Along: tak nak pinjam nak betul....
[10:07] Along: along cakap ngan ibu....
[10:07] Along: tu yg terus cakap kat ibunya....
[10:07] yusrizalrazak: kena usahakan permintaan anak tu la nampaknya.. hehehe
[10:08] Along: nanti kalau ada baby dalam perut ibu....along nak tau....
[10:08] Along: hahaha.....
[10:08] yusrizalrazak: hahahaha..
Is it safe to use artificial sweeteners during pregnancy?
Kristina Kahl, genetic counselor
Aspartame, the artificial sweetener found in NutraSweet, Equal, and most diet soft drinks and other sugar-free treats, is considered safe for most pregnant women when consumed in moderate amounts. Saccharin, on the other hand, is more controversial.
Aspartame is composed of two amino acids, phenylalanine and aspartic acid (amino acids are the building blocks of proteins). When digested by the body, methanol, a type of alcohol is also created. Aspartame has not been shown to cause birth defects, and although some members of the public and a few scientists have raised concerns about its safety, most physicians and scientists believe that it's safe when used in moderation during pregnancy.
When it comes to aspartame, the main concern is with moms-to-be who have a genetic disease called phenylketonuria, or PKU, which prevents them from breaking down the phenylalanine in their diet. If they don't follow a specific diet, the phenylalanine builds up in their bodies, causing their babies to be mentally retarded. Fortunately, thanks to FDA-mandated labeling of products containing aspartame, avoiding it is relatively easy for expectant moms with PKU.
According to a 1985 report from the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Nutrition, "Present levels of aspartame consumption appear to be safe for those who do not have PKU. ...The blood phenylalanine levels reported in response to loading doses of aspartame in normal adults ... do not seem sufficiently high to warrant concern of toxicity to the individual or even to a fetus during pregnancy."
Saccharin, one of the first artificial sweeteners, is much less commonly used today. Although it hasn't been shown to cause birth defects, animal studies show that it may increase the risk of bladder cancer. When a mom-to-be ingests saccharin, it crosses the placenta into her baby's bloodstream. Research on monkeys shows that saccharin is cleared out of the baby's body more slowly than the mother's. So if an expectant mother ingests a great deal of saccharin, it could accumulate in her baby's bladder and potentially increase the baby's risk for bladder cancer. Because of this concern, some physicians ban saccharin from their pregnant patients' diets. However, if you inadvertently used saccharin before knowing you were pregnant, try not to worry. The risks, if any, of consuming a small amount in the first weeks are extremely small.
The main health issue for pregnant women who use artificial sweeteners is that they may be missing out on more nutritious foods and beverages. If you drink a lot of diet soda, for instance, you may not be getting enough water, milk, or juice, all of which are beneficial to your developing baby.
6th week..
begini pembesaran janin ketika ini, minggu ke 6..
How your baby's growing: This week's major developments: The nose, mouth, and ears that you'll spend so much time kissing in eight months are beginning to take shape. If you could see into your uterus, you'd find an oversize head and dark spots where your baby's eyes and nostrils are starting to form. His emerging ears are marked by small depressions on the sides of the head, and his arms and legs by protruding buds. His heart is beating about 100 to 160 times a minute — almost twice as fast as yours — and blood is beginning to course through his body. His intestines are developing, and the bud of tissue that will give rise to his lungs has appeared. His pituitary gland is forming, as are the rest of his brain, muscles, and bones. Right now, your baby is a quarter of an inch long, about the size of a lentil bean.See what's going on in your uterus this week.Note: Every baby develops a little differently — even in the womb. Our information is designed to give you a general idea of your baby's development.How your life's changing: You may find yourself developing a bit of a split personality — feeling moody one day and joyful the next. Unsettling as this is (especially if you pride yourself on being in control), what you're going through is normal. Ricocheting emotions are caused partly by fluctuating hormones. But hormones aside, your life is about to change in a big way — and who wouldn't feel emotional about that?Spotting (spots of blood on your underpants or toilet tissue after urinating) or bleeding is relatively common in early pregnancy, affecting up to a quarter of pregnant women. It may occur in a normal pregnancy, but sometimes it can be the first sign of miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. If you have any spotting or bleeding, call your provider.
Surprising Facts: Could it be twins?
Sure, twins run in families and you're more likely to be carrying multiples if you've undergone fertility treatments, but any woman can become pregnant with more than one baby. Could you be one of them?
Your odds of carrying twins
Overall, about one in 31 births (greater than 3 percent) are twin births. But your chances of having twins are much less — 1 in 89 — if you conceive without medical assistance. The overall odds of bearing triplets or higher-order multiples is about 1 in 565.
Identical twins usually happen by chance. Your likelihood of having identical, or monozygotic, twins (when one fertilized egg divides in half) is about 1 in 250.
A number of factors affect your odds of having fraternal twins or higher-order multiples. Fertility treatments dramatically increase your odds. On average, 20 to 25 percent of women who take fertility drugs or undergo in vitro fertilization or other assisted reproductive techniques end up carrying more than one baby.
Other factors that influence the likelihood of having fraternal twins
Once you have a set of fraternal twins, you're twice as likely to have another set in a future pregnancy.
Fraternal twins run in families, so if you're a twin or related to twins, you're more likely to have a set yourself. Your partner's family history doesn't appear to affect your odds of having twins.
The older you are, the greater your chances of having naturally occurring fraternal twins or higher-order multiples. Hormonal changes in older women are a likely cause.
Fraternal twins are more common than average in African Americans and less common in Hispanics and Asians.
The more pregnancies you've had, the greater your chances of having twins.
Twins are more common in large and tall women than in small women.
When you'll find out whether you're carrying twins
These days, women typically discover they're having more than one baby during an ultrasound, often in the first trimester. If you opt for first-trimester genetic screening, you'll have an ultrasound between 11 and 13 weeks. If you're pregnant as a result of a fertility treatment, you'll probably have an earlier ultrasound, usually within the first eight weeks to count the number of embryos that have implanted. Your practitioner also will recommend an ultrasound if your uterus is larger than would be expected given the number of weeks since your last period. Ultrasound is almost foolproof at revealing multiple pregnancies, particularly after six to eight weeks. However, the more babies you're carrying, the easier it is for one to get overlooked.
Fertility treatments dramatically increase your odds of having fraternal twins and higher-order multiples. Do you have twins or multiples thanks to fertility treatments?
Haddad Alwi..
Dia ni penyanyi lagu Ummi ke? Betul ke ejaannya tu? Blasah jela.. Semalam iye2 je aku nyanyi lagu tu. Tapi salah lirik pulak. Ada pulak aku tukar Ummi ke Ibu? Pelik je bunyinya. Dah la penuh syahdu aku nyanyi. Bingit2 bunyinya.. Kena gelak dengan illis sampai menangis.. Bengong tul.
Syukur semuanya ok..
2 hari sebelum kami pulang berhari raya, Illis kena pergi buat rawatan susulan ke Klinik Mesra (sebelah Al-Azwath) Serdang. Dr. Rahaya dah bekalkan ubat sepatutnya pada illis. Semalam, kami pergi ke Pusat Rawatan Al-Zaharah, Bangi. Terpaksa pergi ke sana selepas illis memberitahu dia bleeding. Masa tu dah dekat 1030 pm, itupun illis perasan waktu kami nak bersahur. (aku ada bgtahu korang post sebelum ni).
Aku nak bgtahu kat sini, sebelum ni aku pernah kutuk pusat rawatan di Bangi tu. Akhirnya semalam, aku pergi juga. Nampak semuanya ok (jilat balik ludah sendiri)! Dr situ ada bekalkan ubat kuatkan janin. Tetapi sebenarnya ubat itu bukan spesifik untuk illis, dr. rahaya sahkan.
Arghh!! Bengong tul. Harap2 tiada komplikasi pada ibu dan bakal anak aku itu. Berita tak best tu bertukar best apabila dr. rahaya menunjukan zuriat aku discreen. Kandung itu berada elok pada rahim. Bukan di luar rahim (salah satu kemungkinan yg diberitahu oleh dr. di bangi tu). Hmm..
Malam tadi, ingtkan nak keluar bersahur tapi kena pergi pusat rawatan pakar. Sebab, wife aku bleeding semalam. Nak tahu, wife aku dah masuk 6 minggu preggie (pregnant). Pergi ke 1st klinik yg kami pergi dulu. Tutup pulak baru kul 11 pm. Terus berdesup ke Bangi. Nasib baik buka, terang2 bgtahu kat signboard "BUKA 24 JAM". Terus check in. Lagi 6 org pesakit, baru ley jumpa dr. Nak dekat 40 minit juga tunggu, baru dpt jumpa dr.
Bla.. Bla.. Bla..
Dr. bagi ubat kuatkan rahim. Pergi farmasi amik ubat. Kena bayar. Terus balik rumah. Tapi tak sampai rumah lagi, singgah sahur makan meggi pulak. Kenyang, terus balik tido.
Pagi ni, wife aku tgh berehat. Jam 11 pergi klinik yg 1st kami pergi dulu. Doakan kandungan n ibunya selamat yer! Amin..
Aku cuti lagi hari ini. EL
Esok Selangor Cuti
Mlm ni nak pekena makan roti canai kat pekan sungai besi. Pastu nak makan nasi lemak kat CT Gardeng, Kampung Baru, KL. Mcm nak tgok wayang pun ada je. Tapi Illis tak sihat pulak sejak 2 menjak ni. Sian dia..
Apa2 pun, esok aku coti.. :) Jgn jeles ek kawan2 yg kerja tu.. huhuhu
Thanx Kak Qiss..
4 dari 5 anak kak qiss. paling besar umur 11 tahun.
paling kecil 2 tahun.. Anak kak qiss selang 2 tahun..
hmm.. mcm kilang lak.. kilang yg bagus. :)
aku n illis pulak nanti? kami terima seadanya..
Tak susah mana nak bgtahu kalau tak jadi dtg, bgtahu awal. Tak susahkan penganjur. Buat tuk kita, hargailah benda itu. Lagi satu, dtg awal ke sesuatu majlis. Ley tolong sediakan apa2 yg patut. Bila balik lak, bukan nak main blah je.. Kemas la balik.. Susah ke? Aku ckp ni tuk ingatkan aku juga. Amin..
Bila kimie sahur + puasa

sampai tertidur tu.. hehehe
sampai nangis menahan lapar tu.. hahaha
sebelum kul 12 pm, dah nak berbuka..
sentap bila ibunya bgtahu belum sampai waktu yg dijanjikan.. hehehe
sungguh2 tahan berlapar..
waktu ni 1st day berbuka puasa penuh.. syabas kimie!
Sex during pregnancy: An overview
Is it safe to have sex while I'm pregnant?
Most women who are having a normal pregnancy may continue to have sex right up until their water breaks or they go into labor. You won't hurt the baby by making love. The amniotic sac and the strong muscles of the uterus protect your baby, and the thick mucus plug that seals the cervix helps guard against infection.There are some circumstances, though, in which you may need to modify your activity or abstain from sex altogether for part or all of your pregnancy. Your midwife or doctor should let you know whether you have — or develop — any complications that make sex a no-go. If you're uncertain, ask your caregiver.
Will sex feel different now that I'm pregnant?
Many women report that sex feels different during pregnancy. Some find it more pleasurable, at least at times. Others may generally find it less so, for part or all of the pregnancy. Here's what's going on.Increased blood flow to the pelvic area can cause engorgement of the genitals. The heightened sensation that results may add to your pleasure during sex. You may have more vaginal discharge or moistness, which could also be a plus.On the other hand, you may not like how these changes feel and may find that genital engorgement gives you an uncomfortable feeling of fullness. You may also have abdominal cramps during or immediately after intercourse.Your breasts may feel tingly, tender, and unusually sensitive to touch, particularly in the first trimester. The tenderness generally subsides, but your breasts may remain more sensitive. Some women will find this heightened sensitivity to be a turn-on, while others won't (and may even prefer that their breasts not be touched at all).Let your partner know if anything feels uncomfortable, even if it's something you're used to doing all the time. If you find you're feeling turned on but not enjoying intercourse, consider other erotic activities, such as mutual pleasuring, oral sex, or self-stimulation. Experiment and make adjustments as a couple to make sex relaxing and pleasurable for both of you.Remember, too, that there's more to physical intimacy than sex. If you don't feel like having sex or your caregiver has advised you not to, you can still hug, kiss, and caress each other.
I haven't really been in the mood since I got pregnant. Is this normal?
There's a wide range of individual experiences when it comes to sexual desire during pregnancy. Some women have a heightened libido throughout pregnancy, while others find they're less interested in sex. Many women find that their sexual appetite fluctuates, perhaps depending on how they're otherwise feeling physically and emotionally.You may feel too tired, moody, or nauseated to make love, especially in the first trimester. It's not unusual to feel overwhelmed by the physical and emotional changes you're going through. But take heart — you may find that your libido returns in the second trimester after morning sickness and fatigue have abated.It's also not uncommon, however, for desire to wane again in the third trimester, particularly in the last month or two. At this point, you may be too big, achy, or exhausted to make love comfortably. You may feel self-conscious about how your body has changed or preoccupied with the approach of labor and birth.Let your partner know how you feel and reassure him that you still love him. It's crucial to keep the lines of communication open and to support each other as best you can as you go through these changes together.
Will my partner's sex drive change?
Most partners find their pregnant lover as attractive as ever or even more so, though not all do. But there are all kinds of reasons your partner's desire may be dampened at least part of the time during your pregnancy. For example, he may be apprehensive about the burdens of parenthood, and that anxiety may affect his sexual desire.Probably the most common reason that men become more tentative about sex during pregnancy is a fear that sex could hurt the baby. If your partner needs reassurance about the safety of sex during pregnancy, bring him with you to your next prenatal appointment.Most importantly, talk to each other about your fears and anxieties, as well as your needs and desires. Open communication can defuse a lot of tension and allow you to relax, enjoy each other, and find ways to be intimate, whether or not you're having intercourse.
Is it safe for my partner to give me oral sex?
For the most part, yes. Licking is fine, but your partner shouldn't blow into your genital area. Forcing or blowing air into the vagina could cause an air embolism (a bubble of air that gets into your blood circulation). This happens very rarely, but it could be life threatening for you or the baby.It's also not safe for your partner to give you oral sex during pregnancy if he has an active outbreak of oral herpes or feels one coming on. And during the third trimester, if your partner has ever had oral herpes, he should avoid giving you oral sex altogether, whether or not he has symptoms.If you're not sure what your partner's HIV status is, use a dental dam (a sheet of latex that you place between your genitals and your partner's mouth). There's some evidence suggesting that a person may be able to transmit HIV through micro-abrasions or tiny cuts in his mouth.
How can I protect myself from sexually transmitted infections during intercourse?
If you're at risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) — that is, you're not in a mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner — you should abstain from intercourse or at least use latex condoms every time you have sex. If latex isn't a good option for you, use polyurethane male or female condoms.
Which positions tend to be the most comfortable?
You may have to experiment to find which positions are best for you. Finding a comfortable position for intercourse becomes more of a challenge as your belly grows.For example, the missionary position (man on top) becomes increasingly difficult as your pregnancy progresses and is nearly impossible late in pregnancy. (If you do use this position after the first trimester, your partner will need to keep his weight off your abdomen. And wedge a pillow under you so you're not flat on your back.)Some couples find pregnancy to be an opportunity to get creative and try some new positions. Here are some suggestions:
• Straddle your partner as he lies on his back. This way, there'll be no weight on your abdomen and you can control the depth of penetration.
• Straddle your partner as he sits on a sturdy chair.
• Lie side-by-side with your partner facing your back and entering from behind. (Deep thrusts can become uncomfortable as the months pass. Penetration tends to be shallower in this position.)
• Lie on your side, tilted back somewhat with a pillow wedged under your back to support you as you face your partner. This position allows him to keep most of his weight off your belly.
• Shift your bottom to the side or foot of the bed and lie back with your knees bent and feet perched at the edge of the mattress. (After your first trimester, wedge a pillow under one side so you're not completely flat on your back.) Your partner kneels or stands in front of you.
• Support yourself on your knees and elbows. Your partner kneels and enters from the rear.
What kind of symptoms should prompt a call to my practitioner?
It's normal to feel some cramping during or just after intercourse or orgasm, but if it doesn't go away after a few minutes, or if you have any pain or bleeding after sex, call your healthcare provider.Don't hesitate to talk to your practitioner whenever you have any questions or concerns about sex, particularly if you're unsure whether you need to abstain or have fears about the baby's safety. If you are told to stop having sex, make sure you understand whether you need to avoid penetration or orgasm or both.
Hmmm.. Oh! Mcm tu ek.. :)
Hartz Chicken Buffet
depan aku ni ada bebudak gedik dengan
haziq gigil AF..
sebahagian ayam yg kami makan..
tak ikhlas nak amik gambar..
ganggu dia makan.. banyak juga dia makan..
Berbuka Puasa Bersama Adik Beradik
kimie dah masuk hari ke-8.
mkn sup + gralic breadnya dengan sungguh2..
pizza dia tak makan sgt..
didie semakin chubby.
ngada2 ngan ayahnya. manja betul.
along apa lagi.. layankan je..
pizza di domino lagi mengancam n harga berpatutan.. tapi takde sup mcm di pizza hut.
Folic acid: An important way to prevent birth defects
Why do I need folic acid?
Folic acid (also known as vitamin B9 or folate) is one of the few nutrients known to prevent neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida, which affects about one in 1,000 pregnancies each year in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that women who take the recommended daily dose of folic acid starting one month before they conceive and throughout the first trimester reduce their baby's risk of birth defects such as spina bifida by up to 70 percent.
This alone is reason enough to make sure you take folic acid before you get pregnant and during pregnancy, but there may even be other benefits as well. Some studies have shown that women who don't get enough folic acid may increase their risk of miscarriage, as well as cleft lip and palate, limb defects, and certain types of heart defects in their babies.
Your body needs this nutrient for the production, repair, and functioning of DNA, our genetic map and a basic building block of cells, so getting enough is particularly important for the rapid cell growth that occurs during pregnancy. Folate is also required for a complex metabolic process that involves the conversion of one amino acid in your blood (homocysteine) into another amino acid (methionine). If you don't get enough folate, you can end up with too much homocysteine in your blood, which is thought to contribute to some birth defects. Elevated levels of homocysteine in pregnancy also have been linked to blood clots, placental abruption, recurrent miscarriages, and stillbirth. Researchers are trying to find out whether taking folic acid throughout pregnancy decreases your risk for these problems. Finally, folate helps make normal red blood cells, prevent anemia, and produce the nervous system chemicals norepinephrine and serotonin.
How much do I need?
A month before you start trying to get pregnant, you should be taking 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid a day to reduce your baby's risk of neural tube defects. (Your baby's neural tube starts to develop about three weeks after conception, which is about as soon as you're likely to find out you're pregnant.) In fact, since half of pregnancies are unplanned, the U.S. Public Health Service recommends that all women of childbearing age get 400 mcg of folic acid each day.
Once you're pregnant, you'll need at least 600 mcg daily, although many practitioners suggest 800 mcg and some prenatal vitamins contain 1,000 mcg. Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin, so your body will flush out the excess if you take too much. For some women, there's an exception to this rule; getting too much folate may hide a B12 deficiency. It's uncommon to be low in B12 if you're a healthy young woman with a varied diet, but it can be a problem for you if you're a vegetarian, particularly if you don't consume dairy products. Ask your healthcare provider if you think you may be at risk.
If you're overweight or obese (with a body mass index (BMI) over 25), you may have lower blood folate levels than smaller women, according to one study. Overweight women's babies also have a higher rate of neural tube defects, and although it's still unclear what the connection is between weight, lower folate levels, and NTDs, it doesn't hurt to start taking 1,000 mcg folic acid in a supplement form before you conceive and keep it up through pregnancy, says Paula Bernstein, an ob-gyn at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.
Women who've had a child with a neural tube defect have a significantly higher risk of having a second with the same defect. Healthcare providers now advise these women to take ten times as much folic acid — 4,000 mcg or 4 milligrams (mg) — starting one month before conception and continuing through the first three months of pregnancy. See your practitioner for a prescription for the supplement if you fall into this category.
Should I take a supplement?
Definitely. If you're like most people, you don't get the amount of folate you need from your diet, and research shows that the body actually absorbs the synthetic version of this vitamin (found in supplements and enriched foods) much better than the version that occurs naturally in certain foods. On the days you can't stomach your prenatal vitamin in early pregnancy, at least take a separate folic acid supplement. (These pills are small and easy to get down.) But eating plenty of folate-rich foods won't hurt either, since the recommended daily amount you're supposed to get from your supplement is designed to complement the amount you're likely to get from food sources.
What are the best food sources?
Food manufacturers are required by the Food and Drug Administration to add folic acid to enriched grain products such as breakfast cereals, bread, pasta, and rice so that each serving contains at least 20 percent of the daily requirement, and some breakfast cereals contain 100 percent (400 mcg) or more. Dark leafy greens are also a good source of folate, as are legumes such as lentils and chickpeas. Other sources include the following:
• 1/2 cup cooked lentils: 179 mcg
• 1 cup boiled collard greens: 177 mcg
• 1/2 cup canned chickpeas: 141 mcg
• 1 medium papaya: 115 mcg
• 1 cup cooked frozen peas: 94 mcg
• 4 spears steamed or boiled asparagus: 88 mcg
• 1/2 cup steamed broccoli: 52 mcg
• 1 cup strawberries: 40 mcg
• 1 medium orange: 39 mcg
What are signs of a deficiency?
The signs of folic acid deficiency can be subtle. You may have diarrhea, loss of appetite, and weight loss, as well as weakness, a sore tongue, headaches, heart palpitations, and irritability. If you're only mildly deficient, you may not notice any symptoms at all, but you won't be getting the optimal amount you need for your baby's early embryonic development. That's why all women of childbearing age need to take folic acid, even if they feel perfectly well.
selepas pertama kali membawa rawatan di klinik. dr. membekalkan ubat asic folik ini pada illis.. ley buat sesorang tu topui (gumuk) ke?
Kenali Pasangan Anda
Kalau anda dilahirkan pada 2Hb, 11Hb, 20Hb, 29Hb dalam mana-mana bulan, anda adalah no.2
Kalau anda dilahirkan pada 3Hb, 12Hb, 21Hb, 30Hb dalam mana-mana bulan, anda adalah no.3
Kalau anda dilahirkan pada 4Hb, 13Hb, 22Hb, 31Hb dalam mana-mana bulan, anda adalah no.4
Kalau anda dilahirkan pada 5Hb, 14Hb, 23Hb dalam mana-mana bulan, anda adalah no.5
Kalau anda dilahirkan pada 6Hb, 15Hb, 24Hb dalam mana-mana bulan, anda adalah no.6
Kalau anda dilahirkan pada 7Hb, 16Hb, 25Hb dalam mana-mana bulan, anda adalah no.7
Kalau anda dilahirkan pada 8Hb, 17Hb, 26Hb dalam mana-mana bulan, anda adalah no.8
Kalau anda dilahirkan pada 9Hb, 18Hb, 27Hb dalam mana-mana bulan, anda adalah no.9
no.1----Anda sangat cerdik, jujur, lucu, degil, rajin, terus-terang, cemburu dalam asas pertandingan, baik hati, peramah dan autoriti. Anda ingin mendahului dalam apa jua keadaan. Anda seorang yang berdikari, berkeyakinan dan tidak pernah berada di bawah pimpinan orang lain. Anda akan bercinta dalam usia yang muda tapi akan berkahwin pada usia yang matang. Anda tidak suka akan orang yang bertentangan pendapat dengan anda. Malah anda juga menyimpan dendam dengan orang yang bersalah dengan anda. Anda seorang yang kuat belanja. Pada masa hadapan anda adalah professional dalam kerjaya yang anda ceburi. Namun terdapat juga orang yang kecil hati dengan pencapaian anda. Anda mempunyai keluarga yang bahagia. Pasangan ideal anda adalah no.4, 6, 8.
no.2----Tak kira apa pun, anda akan disukai oleh semua orang kerana anda berperanankan Bulan dan semua orang suka akan bulan. Em...bagus! Anda suka bermimpi siang. Anda kurang berkeyakinan terhadap diri sendiri. Jadi and perlu membuat perubahan ke atas hidup anda. Anda adalah seorang yang sukar diramal kerana anda membuat perubahan berdasarkan masa dan keadaan. Anda juga seorang yang mementingkan diri sendiri tetapi and mempunyai bakat dalam muzikal, seni dan komunikasi lisan. Sikap anda seperti bulan yang datang keredupan dan pudar jadi semua orang boleh mengetahui perubahan anda. Anda boleh menjadi Mahatma Gandhi yang kedua kerana cinta akan keamanan. Anda juga seorang yang bertanggungjawab dalam keluarga. Pasangan ideal anda adalah no.2, 5, 9.
no.3----Anda adalah seorang yang berhati keras, pentingkan diri sendiri, kuat agama dan suka untuk mempertingkatkan kehidupan sendiri. Anda mempunyai masalah keluarga dan anda dapat mengharungi dengan kesabaran anda. Anda sangat pandai bercakap, wajah yang cantik, jadi ke mana saja anda pergi anda akan dapat apa yang anda inginkan. Daripada hari lahir anda, anda perlu berkerja keras untuk berjaya. Anda juga seorang yang menghormati orang yang lebih tua daripada anda. Bukannya senang nak menjalinkan hubungan sama ada percintaan, kekeluargaan atau persahabatan. Sekiranya anda suka akan sikap seseorang itu, maka hubungan itu akan berpanjangan. Anda suka akan kebebasan, pencipta di mana ada anda akan membawa harapan, kegembiraan dan keceriaan ke dunia ini. Pasangan ideal anda adalah no.6, 9.
no.4----Anda adalah seorang yang amat degil dan rajin. Mungkin anda akan menjauhkan orang lain daripada anda kerana kata-kata anda. Anda seorang yang bertimbang rasa akan masalah orang lain. Anda berbakat dalam penyelidikan dan seni. Anda akan membantu ahli keluarga atau kawan-kawan yang menghadapi masalah tanpa berfikir panjang. Anda kena berhati-hati dengan orang sekeliling anda kerana mereka mungkin akan mempergunakan anda. Kawan-kawan anda akan menghabiskan masa dan wang ringgit anda dan selepas itu menjauhi daripada anda apabila anda dah tak ada nilai buat mereka lagi. Walau bagaimanapun anda tetap seorang yang sabar dan tegas. Pasangan ideal anda adalah no.1, 8.
no.5----Anda sangat popular dalam komuniti. Anda boleh menyelesaikan sesuatu perkara hanya secara lisan. Anda mempunyai akal fikiran dalam menjalani perniagaan. Namun anda terlalu terburu-buru. Anda adalah seorang yang humor di kalangan kawan-kawan dan ahli keluarga. Kawan-kawan dan ahli keluarga anda juga akan minta bantuan anda apabila mereka memerlukan bantuan. Anda bukan seorang yang setia dalam hubungan percintaan. Anda suka perubahan dan kebebasan. Anda mempunyai ciri-ciri seorang pengembara dan ahli silap mata. Anda mempelajari hidup melalui pengalaman. Pasangan ideal anda adalah no.1 , 2,
6----Anda dilahirkan untuk menikmati hidup ini. Anda tidak pedulikan apa-apa perkara dan hanya ingin berseronok dalam hidup anda saja. Anda sangat pandai dalam pelajaran dan pengurusan perniagaan. Anda seorang genius, baik hati (tapi hanya orang yang beranggapan anda orang baik), mempunyai paras rupa yang cantik atau kacak. Semua benda yang baik akan datang pada anda. Anda mengambil berat ke atas ahli keluarga dan kawan-kawan anda. Pada pandangan mereka, anda adalah seorang yang murah hati, peramah, adil saksama dan mempunyai penilaian yang tajam. Pasangan ideal anda adalah no.1, 3, 9.
no.7----Anda mempunyai daya tarikan kepada sesiapa saja. Anda adalah seorang yang realistik, yakin, gembira dan merupakan seorang yang genius dalam bidang pendidikan, muzik, seni dan nyanyian. Anda mempunyai masalah sikap iaitu panas baran. Namun demikian, anda banyak melakukan pengorbanan untuk keluarga. Anda meletakkan keluarga di tempat yang amat tinggi sekali sehingga kadang-kadang mengabaikan kebahagian diri sendiri. Anda telah dilahirkan untuk memberi sumbangan kepada dunia ini. Jadi anda seorang yang bagus dan seorang yang amat gembira. Pasangan ideal anda adalah no.2.
no.8----Anda mempunyai personaliti yang sangat kuat jadi tak ada orang yang memahami anda. Kepakaran anda hanyalah menuding jari pada sesuatu benda. Anda juga mengalami pelbagai dugaan dalam hidup. Semua masalah ini telah menjadikan anda lebih kuat dan tabah. Anda memperjuangkan keadilan. Kebanyakan masa anda telah dihabiskan bersama-sama dengan kawan-kawan. Anda seorang yang disiplin dalam hidup, tidak putus asa dan berani. Faktor-faktor ini telah membawa anda ke puncak kejayaan. Anda juga adalah seorang ahli pasukan, keluarga dan pejuang yang sangat bagus. Pasangan ideal anda adalah no.1, 4.
no.9----Anda adalah seorang yang sangat tabah dari segi fizikal dan juga mental. Anda mempunyai penilaian yang sangat tajam. Anda juga adalah seorang yang sangat dihormati dalam komuniti. Anda adalah orang yang boleh menerima cabaran dan berjaya dalam apa jua yang anda buat. Pada usia yang muda anda selalu bertentangan dengan ibu bapa anda. Tapi apabila usia anda telah semakin meningkat anda adalah seorang anak yang taat dan hormati mereka. Anda sesuai menceburi bigan kejuruteraan atau perbankan kerana orang lain percaya dan yakin akan anda. Anda merupakan model teladan kepada orang lain. Pasangan ideal anda adalah no. 3, 5, 6.
aku no. 7, illis no. 1, jadi?
Amin.. Dah 5 minggu rupanya..
ley tahan harga alat.. tak sampai seminit pun.
cuma 5-7 saat je dah tahu
2 jalur tu apa tandanya?
Tetiba je airmata bertakung. Rasa mcm.. Hmm.. Gembira gila dan rasa takut pun ada. Tanggungjawab aku semakin besar. Insya-allah, aku akan hadapi dengan hati terbuka dengan sesungguhnya.Ohh Pregnant.... HAhh?? Pregnant?!!
Yabedabeduuu... Syukur..
Selepas jumpa dr, baru kami bgtahu parents masing2 ttg khabaran gembira tu. Keluarga illis, cucu pertama mereka. Sebelah aku pula, cucu ketiga selepas Kimie & Didie.
Doakan kesejahteraan ibu/ isteriku & anakku ini.. Amin.