Syukur Mika negatif H1N1

Play: Why it's so important
Absolutely. Play is crucial for your child's social, emotional, physical, and cognitive growth. It's your child's way of learning about his body and the world, and he'll use all five senses to do it, especially in the first year. What does this feel like when I touch it? What does this sound like when I squeeze it? What will happen if I push this or pull that? Crawl over there? Pull myself up on this? Exploration is the heart of play, and in your child's mind any experiment counts, even hurling a bowl of cereal off the highchair tray. Development experts are fond of saying that play is the work of children (and cleaning up after play seems to be the work of parents).
As your child moves into the toddler years, his play will become more imaginative and complex. Through play, he'll exercise key skills and qualities, such as independence, creativity, curiosity, and problem-solving. It can also be an important place to explore feelings and values and develop social skills. Long before your child feels comfortable sharing his favorite toy with his sister, he may offer it to a doll. His first spontaneous "please" and "thank you" may slip out at an imaginary tea party. And what parent can resist wasting a perfectly good bandage the first time her child says his teddy got hurt?
What types of play are best for my child?
It depends on the stage of development. Since play is the tool your child uses to learn about the world, the skills he's working on right now are your biggest clues to choosing the best activities. For instance, if your 3-month-old is learning how to grab objects, let him play with large soft toys. If at 12 months he's exploring cause and effect, play a simple version of hide-and-seek under tables and chairs.
Here are some guidelines for the types of play your child may be most interested in at different stages, according to Catherine Marchant, a play therapist at Wheelock College in Boston:
Social play
Interacting with you and others is important throughout the first year. Infants like to smile, look, and laugh. Older babies enjoy games such as peekaboo and itsy-bitsy spider.
Object play
Touching, banging, mouthing, throwing, pushing, and otherwise experimenting with things is fascinating for the 4- to 10-month-old set.
Functional and representional play
Pretending to use familiar objects in an appropriate way — pushing a toy lawn mower over the grass, or calling Grandma with a hairbrush, for instance — is the height of fun for 12- to 21-month-olds as their imaginations begin to blossom.
Early symbolic play
This type of play, common around the age of 2, creates something out of nothing. Your child might play with a shoebox as if it were a school bus, complete with motor noises, for example, or pretend to eat a plastic ring, insisting it's a doughnut.
Role play
Around 30 to 36 months your little actor will begin taking on new roles. Playing doctor, teacher, or mommy is common now.
What are the best toys for my child?
Let age be your guide. For instance, 2-month-olds will delight in mobiles that move with the breeze, while 15-month-olds need a little more excitement — think pretend cooking in a play kitchen. To get specific suggestions for toys that will make your child's eyes light up and grab his attention, choose his age below:
Newborn to 2 months
3 to 6 months
7 to 9 months
10 to 12 months
13 to 18 months
19 to 24 months
25 to 30 months
31 to 36 months
How can I make the most of my child's playtime?
Try these suggestions:
Think of playtime as more than toy time. Playing is really any enjoyable activity that involves people, objects, or movement. Everything from blowing bubbles at each other to singing songs to splashing in the tub to chasing each other around the room qualifies. If you've ever seen a 12-month old enthralled with a cardboard box, you understand how wide the parameters are.
Get down on the floor with your baby. You are the ultimate plaything, and any activity will seem more fun if your baby can share it with you. Talk to your baby while you play and you'll help boost his language skills.
Introduce play activities when your baby is happy and rested, suggests Marilyn Segal, a developmental psychologist and author of the Your Child at Play series.
Stop when your child's had enough. Children have different thresholds for stimulation. When yours seems bored, fussy, or tired, it's time for a break.
Give your child a chance to play alone and with others. Both types of play are beneficial.
Let your child choose activities and control the direction of his play. You can suggest new things or present new options, but your child should be the boss. After all, play is about fun, and if there's one thing your child is an expert at already, it's having a good time.
Sindrom anak mengamuk
untuk mudah marah kerana kehendaknya tidak difahami.
'Temper tentrum' atau mudah marah dialami budak gagal berkomunikasi dengan baik PERNAHKAH anda menjadi perhatian di pusat beli belah gara-gara kerenah si kecil yang tiba-tiba mengamuk? Dia menangis tanpa henti, menghentak-hentak kaki sehinggakan orang yang lalu lalang tersenyum sinis pada anda. Salahkah kalau anda mencubitnya supaya dia diam? Atau menarik telinganya? Atau mungkin anda patut mendukungnya saja dan pulang terus ke rumah.
Dr Hoecker berkata, kanak-kanak mula memperlihatkan kemarahan (tantrum) pada usia dua atau tiga tahun. Namun, ada juga kanak-kanak yang mula mempamerkan sikap tantrum pada usia yang lebih muda daripada itu. Apabila dia berusia empat atau lima tahun, dia masih mudah mudah tetapi apabila usia semakin meningkat, penguasaan bahasanya juga meningkat dan anda boleh mengajaknya berbual dan mudah bertolak ansur.
- Jangan marah, sebaliknya cuba bertenang dan senyum.
- Cuba fahami mengapa si kecil anda marah.
- Alih perhatiannya.
-Dakapnya, belai rambutnya dan tenangkan dia - mungkin kadang kala anak-anak akan terus menjerit, jadi tinggalkan dia sekejap. Jangan pedulikan dia dan lihat bagaimana reaksinya.
Konsisten - Adakan rutin harian yang tetap bagi memudahkan jangkaan anak seperti waktu tidur mengikut waktu ditetapkan.
Buat perancangan awal - Jika perlu membeli-belah barangan keperluan, lakukan seawal mungkin iaitu pada waktu pagi ketika anak tidak lapar atau keletihan. Bawa sekali bekalan snek atau permainan untuk anak jika ada kemungkinan anda perlu beratur panjang.
Kreatif - Galakkan anak anda bercakap. Jika dia masih belum boleh bertutur, gunakan kreativiti anda dengan mengajarnya bahasa isyarat ringkas dan mudah difahami bagi merujuk perkataan seperti 'Saya Mahu', 'Cukup', 'Sakit' dan 'Penat'. Lebih mudah komunikasi anda dan anak, lebih kurang anda berdepan masalah anak mengamuk.
Buat pilihan - Benarkan anak kecil membuat pilihan bagi membolehkannya berasakan dia juga boleh memilih. Ini seperti menyuruhnya memilih antara baju warna putih atau biru, jenis buah-buahan yang diingininya atau mainan pilihan.
Beri pujian - Pujilah anak anda jika dia berkelakuan baik seperti berkongsi mainan, patuh dan mendengar arahan.
How to raise a reader
"There are many developmentally appropriate — and fun — ways to help your little one learn to love books and stories. And, surprisingly, not all of them involve sitting down with an actual book.
Use books to bond
"It's not about reading the words," says Leiderman. "At this age it's about learning to love the interaction with Mom, Dad, or a caretaker." When your child sits in your lap as you read aloud, she doesn't just enjoy books, she also enjoys the security of your undivided attention.
Set up a ritual
A regular reading time establishes a calming routine young children love — that's why the bedtime story is a time-honored tradition. But don't forget that many other daily events also provide good reading opportunities. Once in a while try establishing a new ritual with a breakfast story, a bathtub story, a just-home-from-daycare story. Some toddlers (and older children) who are heavy sleepers are much better able to face the day when their parents "read them awake" rather than hustle them out of bed.
Choose appropriate books
Toddlers love board books, bathtub books, and pop-up books — any type they can hold easily and manipulate themselves. They love stories accompanied by bright, clear, realistic pictures. And of course they love rhymes. That's not to say your 2-year-old won't appreciate the stories her big brother chooses — who knows, Rocks and Minerals may end up being her favorite book. Just make sure she has access to simpler books as well.
Repeat, repeat, repeat
Stifle your yawns if you've read The Very Hungry Caterpillar every night for the past month and your child still asks to hear it again. Repetition is a hallmark of the toddler years. "The reason children love to read the same stories over and over and over again is that they're so thirsty to learn," says Leiderman. You'll soon find that your toddler has memorized her favorite passages and is eager to supply key phrases herself — both signs of increasing reading readiness.
Ham it up
Lose your inhibitions when you read to your child. Growl like the Papa Bear in Goldilocks, squeak like Piglet in Winnie-the-Pooh. Kids love drama as much as adults do — in fact, your youngster may love to pretend to be the scary wolf in The Three Little Pigs. Encourage her, even if it slows the story's progress. She'll get more out of the story if she's participating actively.
Follow her/him interests
Choose books about her favorite activities — visiting the zoo, swimming, playing ball. Back up your kids' favorite videos and TV shows with books about the characters. You may be mystified by the appeal of Teletubbies, but if your child loves the cheery little creatures, she'll love the books about their exploits as well. Follow her lead, but do experiment with a wide variety of books before you decide you know exactly what your child will like. Your little girl who loves dress-up and dolls may, to your surprise, also be the one who asks to hear Godzilla Likes to Roar or Monster Bugs over and over.
Go to the library
Even babies like library story-hours, and they're wonderful adventures for toddlers. Your child may well discover a new favorite when it's presented by a beguiling librarian with a soothing voice and perhaps some pictures or puppets to illustrate the action. And, of course, libraries let parents — and kids — try out countless stories without spending a bundle.
Push play
Many wonderful books exist on cassette or CD. Your toddler may not be interested in them because what she really likes about books is the interaction with you, says pediatrician Laura Jana, a national trainer for Reach Out and Read. But if your toddler does happen to like them, great. She may want to sit with the picture book while she listens to the recording, or you may want to put it on while the two of you do other things. You could also record yourself — or another relative or friend — reading stories. Just remember, says Jana, that recorded stories can't take the place of sitting down together.
Don't make books a reward
Don't tell your child she can listen to a story if she finishes her dinner. When reading is associated with systems of reward and punishment, it isn't a positive experience. Instead, pick times to read that feel natural, such as when you want your toddler to quiet down before her nap.Dealing with the wigglersSome wiggly youngsters just won't sit still through all of Blueberries for Sal. What to do? "Sit down and leaf through something short for just 30 seconds, and then say, 'Wow, we read this whole book!' Then let them go," says Leiderman. The next day you can try a little longer session. "Some children will always be more interested in motor activities than in reading," she says. "Respect that, and don't make reading a negative experience." If your toddler is the physically active type, she may respond best to the non-book-related activities described below.
Make storytelling a part of life
"Promoting reading readiness is more than reading a traditional book," says Leiderman. While you're at the dinner table or in the car, tell stories — standards like "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" anecdotes from your own childhood, or stories that feature your child as a central character. Make books of your child's drawings or favorite photos, and tell stories about them — or ask her to be the narrator.
Point out words everywhere
Wherever you go, you can show your child that words are an important part of everyday life. Even the youngest toddlers quickly learn, for example, that traffic signs say STOP. Alphabet refrigerator magnets are staples in many homes. Other families label objects around the house, such as the shelves that house BLOCKS, DOLLS, and other toys. If your child is in daycare or preschool, slip a daily note into her lunchbox. Even if she can't yet read CAT, seeing the word printed on a piece of paper, along with a drawing or sticker of a cute kitten, will be a high point in her day and help excite her interest in reading. If this seems too ambitious, try drawing a heart or smiley face with a simple "I love you," which will help get your toddler excited about the meaning behind words.
Children from families who converse at the dinner table have larger vocabularies, according to researchers at Harvard University. Talk with your toddler, and don't be afraid to use complex words and phrases. Encourage her questions and explanations. Toddlers are curious and wonder endlessly about the world, so don't be shy about trying to explore her interests with her.Demonstrate your own love of booksYour child wants to imitate you. If she sees books all around the house and knows that you like to settle down with one whenever you have a moment to yourself, she'll learn that books are essential to daily life. Modeling your own love of reading is more powerful than making your child sit through a rigid story time.
Books for you
Numerous books have been written for parents who want to nourish a love of reading. Try Jim Trelease's The Read-Aloud Handbook, E.D. Hirsch's Books to Build On, Elizabeth Wilson's Books Children Love, and Bernice Cullinan's Read to Me: Raising Kids Who Love to Read.
Ragam anak kami, Mikayeel
mikayeel berambut pendek..
nampak mika sesuai dengan rambut pendek dan panjang.
tapi aku dan illis nak mika berambut panjang.. tp tak panjang sgt la..
mika dalam mood hip hop.. hehehe
mummy mika berpeluh2 masa ni.. baru lepas lompat2 sama dengan mika.
mika bukan main seronok masa tu. tapi bila aku nak amik gambar, terus muka fokus kamera.. :)
masa ni kami tgh bersiap2 nak g hospital..
tapi tak jadi jumpa dr. yg biasa kami jumpa sebab dr. tu cuti.
abaikan yg berlapis tu yer! hehehe
ala2 model baby la.
kalau nak perlukan mika sebagai model, sila emailkan kepada saya dan illis yer! :)
sila hantar proposal sekali..
mika mmg suka bila beremdam dalam kolam dia..
tak sempat nak basuh muka dulu, dia dah "bebai"/ merajuk.. :P
tgh pujuk dia sendawa lepas minum susu.
muka tetap fokus pada kamera.. :)
bos illis hadiahkan patung tu pada mika. thanx prof fatimah a.k.a nenek timah! :)
adik illis namakan patung tu MIKI.. mcm best lak bunyinya..
kalau dah ngantuk, tak heran dah MIKI tu..
kelakar giler masa mula2 bagi patung pada mika.
lagakan pipi patung tu dengan pipi mika, terus buat bunyi "haaaa...."
manjanya bunyi nyer..
isteri dan anak lelaki ku..
syg bangat sama kamu!
salah satu gambar pilihanku..
mama illis tengah mandikan mika.
mika pulak khusyuk tengok tv.. tengah tgok 1st match Man Utd vs Malaysia
mika kekenyangan.. lepas minum susu..
mika lum selesa lagi terlangkup..
merah2 muka dia menahan mengah sebab perut dia kena tilam.
kat dahi tu kertas ajaib, mika sedu je, letak kain/ tisu basah kat dahi dia..
beberapa saat sedu dia pun hilang..
Teknik tepuk bantu masalah bayi berkahak
SITI Farah Aini Jamaludin menunjukkan alat bantuan perubatan yang digunakan dalam kes mengeluarkan kahak daripada kerongkong bayi. |
BATUK dan selesema adalah dua masalah yang boleh dikatakan pasti berlaku pada setiap bayi. Tidak kira musim sejuk atau panas, simptom tersebut boleh menjadi kronik kepada kesihatan bayi kerana kesukaran mereka untuk mengeluarkan kahak dan hingus boleh menjadi punca penyakit seperti bronkitis atau brochospasm.
Saat masalah tersebut berlaku pada bayi, pasti ibu bapa akan berasa gusar kerana bayi belum mempunyai kepandaian untuk mengeluarkan kahak mahupun menghembus hingus mereka sendiri.
Sebab itulah ada ibu atau bapa yang prihatin sanggup menyedut hingus pada hidung bayi mereka kerana khuatir keadaan tersebut akan membuatkan bayi tidak selesa untuk bernafas.
Syabas kepada ibu bapa yang sanggup melakukan yang terbaik demi kesihatan anak mereka, tapi alangkah lebih bagusnya jika mereka mengetahui tentang teknik fisioterapi yang terbukti boleh memberikan bayi lebih kelegaan daripada masalah batuk dan selesema yang dihadapi.
Pakar Fisioterapi dari Pusat Perubatan Pakar Alpha, Siti Farah Aini Jamaludin berkata, bayi di bawah usia dua tahun memang kerap mengalami bronchospasm iaitu bengkak dan pengecutan dalam paru-paru.
"Simptom penyakit ini seperti batuk, demam, selesema dan sesak nafas. Penyakit ini boleh juga dialami oleh orang dewasa tapi lebih bermasalah jika ia menyerang bayi kerana mereka tidak berupaya mengeluarkan kahak sendiri," ujarnya ketika ditemui di klinik fisioterapinya di Pusat Perubatan Pakar Alpha, Kota Damansara, Selangor, baru-baru ini.
Berdasar pengalamannya selama lebih tujuh tahun melakukan fisioterapi di pusat-pusat perubatan sebelum ini, kanak-kanak di bawah usia lima tahun sering berhadapan dengan masalah bronkitis atau bronkospasm.
"Ibu bapa biasanya akan merujuk anak mereka ke hospital apabila mendapati anak mereka menghadapi masalah pernafasan seperti hidung tersumbat, pernafasan berbunyi serta simptom seakan penyakit asma.
"Sebenarnya jika ibu atau bapa mempunyai sedikit ilmu fisioterapi, mereka boleh mempraktikkan kepada bayi mereka agar tidak mudah berlaku jangkitan lain terhadap bayi.
"Sebagai contoh, jika bayi mengalami hidung tersumbat dan batuk berkahak dan di rumah memang tidak mempunyai mesin sedut hingus, ibu bapa boleh mencuba teknik tepukan yang dinamakan percussion ke atas bayi mereka.
"Caranya mudah, pastikan bayi dalam posisi meniarap dan letakkan bantal di bawah perut, pastikan bantal itu tidak terlalu tebal. Kemudian condongkan sedikit posisi bantal dengan kedudukan kepala bayi ke bawah dan kaki di atas, pastikan kaki lurus.
"Ibu atau bapa pula bentukkan tapak tangan seakan cupping (lubang di tengah) dan gunakan kekuatan dari pergelangan tangan untuk menepuk perlahan di belakang bayi.
"Tepuk selama lebih kurang 15 minit dan beralih di kiri dan kanan tubuh bayi pula. Tujuan menepuk ini adalah untuk melonggarkan kahak di dalam paru-paru dan 15 minit selepas selesai menepuk, biasanya bayi akan batuk atau bersin dan sekali gus mengeluarkan kahak dalam bentuk muntah. Jika tertelan, tidak mengapa kerana kahak tersebut akan keluar menerusi najis mereka," jelas Siti Farah.
Siti Farah mengingatkan ibu bapa, sebelum memulakan teknik tepukan percussion ini, pastikan anak tidak minum susu sejam atau setengah jam sebelum bagi mengelakkan muntah.
Siti Farah berkata, bayi yang kesnya dirujuk ke fisioterapi oleh doktor, biasanya akan melalui fisioterapi pada bahagian dada.
"Ubat-ubatan yang diberikan oleh doktor pula untuk melambatkan bakteria, manakala nebulizer adalah untuk membuka saluran pernafasan bayi yang sempit.
"Kombinasi tiga elemen iaitu ubat, nebulizer dan fisioterapi merupakan kaedah yang lazim dilakukan di hospital ke atas bayi yang menghadapi masalah tersebut," katanya.
Menurut Siti Farah lagi, apabila bayi diserahkan kepada ahli fisioterapi mereka akan dibedung dan teknik tepukan untuk melonggarkan kahak akan dibuat.
Selepas tepukan, mesin penyedut kahak akan digunakan bagi membantu bayi mengeluarkan kahak dan hingus mereka.
"Saya memang faham perasaan ibu yang menangis dan tidak sanggup melihat bayi mereka melalui prosedur tersebut. Tetapi ibu atau bapa perlu tahu, proses tersebut tidak menyakitkan ia cuma tidak selesa pada bayi dan kita sukar untuk mententeramkan bayi.
"Adakalanya juga ketika proses menyedut kahak dan hingus akan keluar bersama sedikit darah, ibu bapa jangan panik. Mereka perlu faham keadaan tersebut berlaku kerana saluran pernafasan anak terlalu sempit dan masih lembut.
"Apabila anak meronta, ia hanya akan menyebabkan kesukaran kepada bayi itu sendiri juga mendatangkan kerisauan kepada si ibu yang melihatnya," ujar Siti Farah.
Mika sudah 3 bulan..
22 Julai ni, genap mika 3 bulan
diperkenalkan semula..
nama beliau ialah Mikayeel bin Mohd. Yusrizal
di bawah hidungnya bukan tahi lalat tau tapi kesan luka kecil akibat dia mencakar mukanya sendiri.. :)
khusyuk betul tgok tv..
mummynya pun dia tak layan sgt masa ni.. sibuk nonton kartun.. :)
gaya perenang kolam..
siap pose utk anda sebelum beliau mandi..
lega betul mukanya bila dah masuk kolam tu
tahap selesa sgt la tu
ini gaya kegemarannya..
dah muat2 dengan badannya
dah mandi, kena upah susu pula..
kena sendawa selepas minum susu, nanti termuak pulak..
ni hobinya sekarang, mengigit pergelangan tangannya..
Ulang Tahun Perkhawinan Kami Yang Pertama 06-07-09
Gambar Mikayeel lagi.. :)
mcm bos lagaknya..
mika dalam besen yg dia gemari..
mika suka tgok kamera..
mummynya tgh nyusukan mika yg sedang lapar..
permata kami.. Mikayeel
mcm anak raja je..
so, aku ni raja la.. hehehe
Koleksi Gambar Mikayeel yang belum disiarkan :)
Aku dan Mika..
Hadiah dari ofcmate aku utk mika..
tuan mika sedang berehat.. hehehe
Tuan Mikayeel tgh fikir masalah Micheal Jackson (Mikaeel)
susu time..
mummy dan mika..
mandi time..