Jonas Brothers - Lovebug
Called you for the first time yesterday
I finally found the missing part of me
I felt so close but you were far away
Left me without anything to say
Now I'm speechless over the edge, I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this lovebug again
Hopeless, head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get hit by this lovebug again
I can't get your smile out of my mind
(I can't get you outta my mind)
I think about your eyes all the time
You're beautiful but you don't even try
(You don't even, don't even try)
Modesty is just so hard to find
Now I'm speechless over the edge, I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this lovebug again
Hopeless, head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get hit by this lovebug again
I kissed her for the first time yesterday
Everything I wished that it would be
Suddenly I forgot how to speak
Hopeless, breathless, baby can't you see?
Now I'm
Now I'm speechless over the edge, I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this lovebug again
Now I'm hopeless, head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get hit by this lovebug again
Oh! Lovebug again
Prenatal tests: An overview
First-trimester tests
Prenatal tests are one of the many ways your healthcare practitioner will check on the well-being of you and your growing baby.
At your first prenatal visit, your practitioner will give you a thorough physical, including a pelvic exam. She'll do a Pap smear (unless you've had one recently) to check for abnormal cells. She may also do a culture to check for chlamydia and gonorrhea.
Next, she'll order routine blood tests to identify your blood type and Rh status, as well as a blood count to check for anemia.
She'll also have the lab test your blood for:
• Syphilis
• Hepatitis B
• Immunity to German measles (rubella)
• Immunity to chicken pox — if you're not sure whether you've ever had the illness or been vaccinated against it.
Finally, she should offer you a blood test for HIV. HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus, which is the virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). If your practitioner doesn't offer you an HIV test, be sure to ask about it. If you test positive for HIV, being treated during pregnancy can dramatically reduce your chances of passing the infection to your baby.
In addition to taking a sample of your blood, your practitioner will ask for a urine sample to test for urinary tract infections and other conditions.
If you're at high risk for gestational diabetes, a glucose challenge test might be done at your first visit.
In some cases, your provider will also do a skin test to see if you've been exposed to tuberculosis.
Your caregiver will offer you screening tests that can give you information about your baby's risk of having Down syndrome and other chromosomal problems and birth defects.
First-trimester screening options include a blood test that's done between 9 and 13 weeks. If it's available in your area, you'll also be offered a nuchal translucency screening, which is a type of ultrasound that's done at 11 to 13 weeks. Together, the blood test and ultrasound are known as the first-trimester combined screening.
Depending on your ethnic background and medical history, you may want to consider carrier screening to determine whether your baby is at risk for genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease, thalassemia, and Tay-Sachs disease.
Finally, you'll have the option of undergoing chorionic villus sampling (CVS), an invasive genetic diagnostic test that's generally done between 11 and 12 weeks. CVS can tell you whether your baby has Down syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities. The test will also look for certain genetic disorders that your baby may be at risk for.
NOTE: If you want the option of having CVS after you get the results from your first-trimester screening, you'll need to schedule the screening tests earlier rather than later.
Second-trimester tests
During each of your second-trimester prenatal visits, your practitioner will ask for a urine sample to screen for signs of preeclampsia, urinary tract infections, and other conditions.
Most practitioners routinely order an ultrasound between 16 and 20 weeks to check for physical abnormalities and to verify your baby's due date.
Between 24 and 28 weeks, you'll be given a glucose screening test to check for gestational diabetes, and possibly another blood test to check for anemia.
If you're Rh-negative but your baby's father isn't (or you don't know whether he is), an extra tube of blood may be drawn to check for Rh antibodies before you're given an injection of Rh immune globulin at 28 weeks.
Between 15 and 18 weeks, you may have a multiple marker screening, a blood test that can give you some information about your baby's risk of having certain chromosomal problems and other birth defects. Ideally, this test should be done in conjunction with first-trimester screening tests in what's known as integrated or sequential screening.
Finally, you'll have the option of undergoing amniocentesis, an invasive genetic diagnostic test done between 16 and 20 weeks. Amniocentesis can tell you whether your baby has Down syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities, neural tube defects, and certain genetic disorders. Some women wait for the results of first-trimester and second-trimester screening tests before deciding whether to have amniocentesis.
Third-trimester tests
During your third-trimester prenatal visits, your practitioner will continue to ask for urine samples to check for signs of preeclampsia, urinary tract infections, and other conditions.
Between 35 and 37 weeks, you'll be tested for a common infection called group B strep. If your test is positive, you'll be given antibiotics during labor to help keep you from passing the bacteria on to your baby.
(If you've had a group B strep urinary tract infection during this pregnancy or have previously given birth to a baby infected with group B strep, you won't need testing because you'll automatically be treated during labor.)
Here are some other tests you may have this trimester:
• If your blood glucose level was elevated when you took your glucose challenge test, you'll have a glucose tolerance test to determine whether you have gestational diabetes.
• Your blood may be checked again for anemia, particularly if it wasn't retested late in the second trimester or if you were anemic earlier in your pregnancy.
• If you're at risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), you'll be tested again for syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV.
• If you were found to have placenta previa or a low-lying placenta during an earlier ultrasound, you'll have another ultrasound to check the location of your placenta.
If your pregnancy is high risk or your practitioner becomes concerned about certain problems, she'll order a biophysical profile or a nonstress test to make sure your baby's thriving.
When and how often you go for these tests will depend on your caregiver's reason for testing. If she's concerned about your baby's growth, she'll order periodic ultrasounds to measure him and check your amniotic fluid level.
If your pregnancy is normal but you go past your due date, you'll have testing to make sure your baby's still doing well. Between 40 and 41 weeks, you may get a full biophysical profile or a modified one, which would include a nonstress test to assess your baby's heart rate and an ultrasound to check your amniotic fluid level. These tests are usually performed twice a week to help your practitioner decide whether it's safe to continue waiting for labor to start on its own.
What to expect at your prenatal visits
How many prenatal visits will I have?
You'll see a lot of your healthcare practitioner during your pregnancy — that's why it's so important to choose someone you like and trust. Most pregnant women have between 10 and 15 prenatal visits.
Typically, a mom-to-be will visit her doctor or midwife every four weeks during the first and second trimesters, once every two weeks until 36 weeks, then weekly until the baby is born.
But the number of scheduled appointments you'll have depends on your medical history and whether you have any complications or conditions such as high blood pressure that warrant more frequent checkups. If you've had any medical problems in the past or develop any new problems during this pregnancy, you may need more prenatal visits than average.
If you have a partner or labor coach, you may want that person to come to some appointments with you.
Is there anything I need to do to prepare for my prenatal visits?
During the weeks before each visit, jot down any questions or concerns in a notebook so you'll remember to ask your practitioner about them at your next appointment. You may be surprised by how many questions you have, so don't miss the opportunity to get some answers in person.
For example, before you drink any herbal teas, or take supplements or over-the-counter medications, bring them with you to your next appointment so your doctor or midwife can read the labels and let you know whether they're okay to ingest.
Of course, if you have any pressing questions or develop any unusual symptoms, don't wait for your appointment — call your practitioner right away.
What happens during these appointments?
Your practitioner will start by asking how you're feeling physically and emotionally, whether you have any complaints or worries, and what questions you may have. She'll have other questions as well, which will vary depending on how far along you are and whether she has specific concerns.
The goal of prenatal visits is to see how your pregnancy is proceeding and to provide you with information to help keep you and your baby healthy. Your midwife or doctor will check your weight, blood pressure, and urine; measure your abdomen; check the position of your baby; listen to your baby's heartbeat; perform other exams and order tests, as appropriate; and closely monitor any complications you have or develop and intervene if necessary.
At the end of the visit, your practitioner will review her findings with you, explain what normal changes to expect before your next visit and what warning signs to watch for, counsel you about lifestyle issues (such as the importance of good nutrition and avoiding tobacco, alcohol, and drugs), and discuss the pros and cons of optional tests you may want to consider.
It seems like my prenatal visits are over before they even start. How can I make sure my concerns are addressed?
Many women look forward to their prenatal appointments but are disappointed to find that, with the exception of the first visit, they're in and out of the office in ten minutes. A quick visit is usually a sign that everything is progressing normally. If you feel like you don't have enough time to voice your concerns, though, take these steps before your next appointment:
• Write down your concerns. Between visits, jot down your questions. Bring the list to each appointment so you can run through it with your practitioner. And if anything else is bothering you, speak up. Your practitioner isn't a mind reader and won't be able to tell what you're thinking just by performing a physical examination.
• Mention everything, no matter how small. In addition to any physical complaints you may have, let your practitioner know if you have any emotional concerns or fitness or nutrition questions.
• Ask the staff about the administrative stuff. Save your questions about things like insurance and directions to the hospital for the office staff so your practitioner has more time to answer your important questions.
• Be open-minded. When talking with your doctor or midwife, you should feel comfortable speaking freely, but remember to listen, too. And keep in mind that some days are busier than others. That doesn't mean your practitioner doesn't have to answer your questions, but sometimes a discussion can be continued at the next visit if it's a really busy day or she needs to head to the hospital to deliver a baby. But don't tolerate a healthcare practitioner who won't give you thorough answers, doesn't show reasonable compassion, or barely looks up from your chart. You and your baby deserve more than that.
sekejapnya berada di gannu..
Masa pulang ke gannu pd sabtu yg lepas, sepatutnya 5 setengah jam je kami akan sampai ket gannu dari serdang tp 9 jam. Sebabnya sesak dari gombak sampai karak. Kami kelaur lewat, jam 11am baru tergehegeh2 nak gerak. So, terhegeh2 la kami bawa kereta nak blah dari sesak tu. Selain sesak tu, kami singgah di kuala kemaman. Makan sata, pulut panggang, keropok lekor, otak2. Sedap2 juga. Kami singgah tempat org yg penuh dlm kedai tu. So, bertambah la masa perjalanan kami masa tu.
Apa2pun, seronok balik ke kg kali ni. Ada cerita kat gannu nak aku kongsikan ngan korang. Dah tentulah bergambar entry nanti. Banyak juga gambar aku snap.
Khamis yang buhsan
Rentak skuad negara sumbang

Kecergasan dan ketahanan fizikal jelas menjadi pemisah buat skuad bimbingan B. Sathianathan itu dengan pemain UAE apabila ketingalan 0-2 pada babak pertama hasil jaringan Mohamed Omar Ahmad Alshaddadi pada minit ke-29 dan 45.
Biarpun berjaya menyaingi kehebatan juara Piala Negara-Negara Teluk 2007 itu dengan mencipta beberapa peluang di depan pintu gol, namun seperti biasa gerakan jentera serangan skuad negara terlalu mudah untuk dipatahkan.
Begitupun, jurulatih negara, Sathianathan menyifatkan aksi anak buahnya pada babak pertama wajar diberi pujian kerana berjaya mencipta beberapa gerakan menarik di depan pintu gol lawan.
Namun, menurutnya, stamina dan kecergasan pemain negara tidak cukup bagus untuk menyekat asakan UAE yang meledakkan tiga gol lagi pada babak kedua menerusi kaptennya, Ismaeil Matar (minit ke-52, 75) dan Ahmed Khalil Sebait (minit ke-85).
"Kita berjaya mengawal permainan dan menyaingi pasukan UAE pada babak pertama," kata Sathianathan.
"Kita mampu melancarkan serangan dan mencipta beberapa peluang menjaringkan gol, cuma kita penyudah saja kita tumpul.
"Perlu ingat bahawa kita berdepan pasukan yang berkualiti dan UAE baru pulang daripada kempen Piala Negara Teluk baru-baru ini. Jadi persiapan mereka lebih bagus daripada kita," katanya lagi.
"Kita sebenarnya kalah dari segi ketahanan kerana pemain hanya ada dua hari saja menjalani latihan kecergasan," kata Sathia.
"Sebab itulah saya kata kecergasan sangat penting. Walaupun kita mampu menyaingi mereka pada babak pertama, tapi babak kedua pemain sudah keletihan.
"Saya tetap gembira dengan komitmen yang ditunjukkan pemain. Mereka tetap bersemangat untuk mencari gol dan beraksi dengan baik. Cuma jelas sekali kita masih tidak cukup bagus untuk menewaskan kualiti pemain UAE," ujarnya lagi.
Sementara itu, jurulatih UAE, Dominic Bathenay pula berkata dia agak terkejut melihat skuad negara berjaya memberi tekanan kepada anak buahnya pada babak pertama.
"Babak pertama menyaksikan penguasaan yang seimbang oleh kedua-dua pasukan, namun kami menggunakan peluang di depan gol dengan lebih baik.
"Saya gembira kami menang 5-0 walaupun saya jangkakan kami kami menang 1-0," katanya lagi.
Selepas ini, skuad negara dijadualkan berdepan Uzbekistan pada aksi kedua Kumpulan C 14 November depan.
Stroller baby

inilah stroller tuk baby kami.. nak beli yg mahal tak mampu lak.. :)
Your pregnancy: 23 weeks
How your baby's growing:
See what your baby looks like this week.
Note: Every baby develops a little differently — even in the womb. Our information is designed to give you a general idea of your baby's development.
How your life's changing:
You may notice that your ankles and feet start to swell a bit in the coming weeks or months, especially at the end of the day or during the heat of summer. Sluggish circulation in your legs — coupled with changes in your blood chemistry that may cause some water retention — may result in swelling, also known as edema. Your body will get rid of the extra fluid after you have your baby, which is why you'll pee frequently and sweat a lot for a few days after delivery. In the meantime, lie on your left side or put your feet up when you can, stretch out your legs when you sit, and avoid sitting — or standing — in one place for long periods. Also, try to exercise regularly to increase circulation, and wear support stockings (put them on first thing in the morning) and roomy, comfortable shoes. You may be tempted to skimp on liquids to combat swelling, but you need to drink plenty of water because staying hydrated actually helps prevent fluid retention. While a certain amount of edema in your lower extremities is normal during pregnancy, excessive swelling may be a sign of a serious condition called preeclampsia. Be sure to call your midwife or doctor if you have severe or sudden swelling of your feet or ankles, more than slight swelling of your hands, swelling in your face, or puffiness around your eyes.
Chili's @ Midvalley..
lepas makan, sakit perut.. nasib baik tak masuk toilet RM5 di Garden.
sebelah kanan bukan roti nan, tapi roti yg jadi tapak makanan aku..
aku lupa lak aku order apa..
lepas tu ngap la. roti tu depa bagi 3 keping. tapi kalau habis ley minta lagi tanpa dikenakan charge tambahan. aku ley makan 2 je. bayangkanla aku kuat makan, ley makan dua je..
illis makan ni.. dia ley makan 1 je.. 1 lagi aku makan.. lagi satu bawa balik rumah.. :)
sampai hari ni tak makan lagi..
100 most popular baby names of 2008
Note: To capture true popularity, our exclusive baby names list combines names that sound the same but have multiple spellings (like Aden, Aiden, and Ayden). Our data comes from hundreds of thousands of parents who shared their baby's name with us in 2008.
click here
Hadiah B'day..
konfius juga. aku budget dia nak bg "awek" dia.. rupa2nya dia bagi aku..
anw, thanx rill.. sori sebab lambat upload pasal ni..
Gua Kelam, Perlis - 3 Jan 2009
gambar goyang lak..
gambar ni kat checkpoint.. so rehat kejap ni pun sebab tak sengan tinggalkan mertua n adik ipar aku kat belakang.. huhu.. sori..
masa kami nak balik area jam 530+, baru ramai org terhegeh2 nak mandi sungai ni..
illis? dia tak sabar2 nak mandi sungai masa ni..
lapar pulak walaupun abaru 10 minit dalam sungai..
abaikan benjolan2 kat dada aku tu.. huhuhu
ada yg berkenan?
aku baru keluar dari toilet..
insya-allah bertambah ahli rombongan kami nanti
dalam gambar di atas, nampak mcm illis kena buli je... huhu
sekejapnya seminggu..
Semalam aku, 1st time aku bersolat jumaat di Masjid India KL. Khutbah dalam bahasa tamil pulak tu. Rasa kejap je khutbah tu.. Alih2 dah habis khutbah tu, walaupun lebih setengah jam khutbahnya.. Tak paham khutbahnya. Kalau depa ada flyer ttg khutbah in BM or BI ke ok juga kan??
Semalam juga aku Rst tume makan nasi kandar kat area situ juga. Sedap giler beb. Dah la makan sebelum solat jumaat, nak ruku' pun senak2. Hehe. Takkan nak sembahyang cara duduk lakkan? Sendiri cari pasal nak makan sebelum solat. Tapi kalau tak makan dulu' lewat pulak nak masuk ofc. Dah ley tahan jauh masjid tu ke ofc aku. Berpeluh juga ketiak ni. Nasib baik tak masam.. Hahaha..
illis ajak lunch luar hari ni..
Ni aku tgh tggu turn nak mandi lak. Aku amik kesempatan update blog n facebook, yang dah bersarang ni..
Okla. Illis dah sudah. Turn aku lak nak mandi..